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Monday. Aza enters the classroom, late. She plumps down next to me, takes out her notebook, slams it on the table. For the whole lesson she doesn't take a single look in my direction.



Tuesday. I've been standing at our lockers for nearly ten minutes, when finally, Aza shows up. She looks at me for less than a second, no emotion on her face. She opens her locker.

"Aza," I say. "Hello."

She throws all of her books in, then she leaves.



Wednesday. Lunchtime. I've bought a sandwich in the cafeteria and am about to disappear to the closet, when Ky comes up to me. He wants me to have lunch with him, Aza and Cass. I tell him no, but he doesn't give up.

"...Ky, it really isn't a good idea."

"No, it's not," he says, grabbing my wrist. "It's a great one."

He drags me to their table, offers me a seat and sits down. Aza looks at me. I sit down. She gets up. She takes her lunch and marches off to a different table. Cass mumbles an apology, gets up and follows Aza.

"Told you," I say, getting up as well. "It's not a good a idea."

"But - oh, come on."

"I'm sorry," I say, not sure what I'm apologising for.

As I'm leaving the cafeteria, I look at Aza. She doesn't look back.



Thursday. Psychology class. Sean turns around in his seat for about the tenth time. He and Aza have been constantly talking to each other since the lesson has started. I'm trying to ignore them, staring out of the window, but it's hard to ignore a feeling that feels like a roaring fire inside your chest.

Aza giggles, a squeaky, silly giggle. I frown. I've never heard her giggle; I didn't even know she was capable of doing that. It makes her sound like she's some silly girl, and Aza is not some silly girl.

"...It just opened. Apparently they serve great food."



"Well," Aza says, "I really like great food."

Please don't, I think. Please don't ask her out. And please don't say yes to him. Please just don't.

"Well," Sean says, "what are you doing this Saturday?"

"Well..." Please don't. "I guess I'm going out with a cute guy."

It feels like the fire has erupted inside my entire body.

"Oh," Sean says. "Who are you...?"

I want to scream, Seriously, dumbass? But I remain silent.

"You, Sean." A giggle. "I'm going out with you."

"You mean you..." A grin. "Yeah, that sounds great."

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