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I love dogs. I love them so much that sometimes I imagine people as dogs, imagine what they would be like if they were dogs instead of humans. Cass is pretty easy, she'd definitely be a Golden Retriever. A loving, loyal Golden Retriever, just like her dad. Ky would be a huge black Labrador. A cheerful, energetic dog that loves to socialise and play. He's a little clumsy and very protective. Eli would be pretty much the same, except even more energetic and wilder.

And Phoenix? Probably a Dobermann. She's strong and intelligent. People think she's aggressive and intimidating, when actually, she's loving and devoting. It all depends on how you treat her. She needs commitment, care, and love. Her parents didn't give her much of that. I hope one day they will learn to. She's like a lost puppy dog, forgotten and beaten up. All she wants and needs is someone to take care of her, to cherish her, to love her. I want to be that person.




"Where are you going?"

"To Aza's."

A moment of silence.

"It's almost 8pm."

"I'll stay over."

A moment of silence.

"You have school tomorrow."

"Really? I do?"

A moment of silence.

"Bye," I say.




are you still working?


are you still doing homework?


wow, you're a huge nerd


i'm hungry

eat something

what, genius?



you work in a café, aze

i'm not supposed to eat their food

and since when do you call me aze?

since now

do you mind?


you can call me aze

or daddy


please don't tell me that when you told me you might be kinky you meant that sort of stuff

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