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Me: i'm really sorry

Cass: i know

Me: i'm serious

Cass: i know
Cass: it's fine

Me: i'm really sorry though

Cass: i really liked that dress though

Me: i'm still really sorry
Me: so is aze

Cass: i still really liked that dress

Me: you could say it was for a good cause

Cass: i lent aza my dress and you two ruined it by banging in your car
Cass: not sure that's a good cause
Cass: a good shack maybe

Me: it definitely was

Cass: eW
Cass: shut up

Me: i'm sorry

Cass: why would you have sex in a car anyway?

Me: well

Cass: don't answer that

Me: i'm sorryy

Cass: and what the hell did you do?? it's ripped

Me: do you want an answer to that?

Cass: i do not

Me: then don't ask
Me: i'll get you a new one
Me: one of my mum's

Cass: are you serious??

Me: nope, i'm phoenix

Cass: shut up

Me: i'm serious

Cass: they're mad expensive

Me: well
Me: not for me

Cass: i can't accept that

Me: seriously?
Me: see it as an early birthday present

Cass: it's december
Cass: my birthday is in august

Me: a very belated birthday present then

Cass: why don't you just make it my xmas present lol

Me: so you're accepting it?

Cass: no

Me: i've already got your xmas present

Cass: really?

Me: yes? xmas is in about 1 week

Cass: i still don't have all my presents

Me: i hope you have mine

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