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Tuesday. 11am.

"So, what are you doing this Friday?"

"I don't know. But I think you're about to tell me."

"Well," Phoenix grins, "my mum is going on some work trip..."

"Is she?"

"She is. I have the whole house to myself, for an entire weekend."

"The whole house?"

"The whole house."

"An entire weekend?"

"An entire weekend."

"So," I say. "What are you going to do?"

"Throw a huge party, obviously."

"Am I invited?"

"Obviously," she says. "You're the only person invited, actually."

"You could say I'm a VIP, huh?"

"A very important person, yes."

"So I'm important to you?"

"No." She pauses. "You're very important."

Phoenix half grins, half smiles at me and damn, I wish we weren't in class right now because otherwise I would be kissing that half grin, half smile.

"So," she says, "are you coming?"

"Whether I'm coming? Of course I'm -"

"Miss Ainsworth, Miss LeFlore, why don't you talk to me instead of each other?"

"Because, quite frankly," Phoenix says, "I find Miss Ainsworth to be more interesting than you, sir."

"Rhetorical question, Miss LeFlore - ever heard of it?"

"Humour, sir - ever heard of it?"

I try to hold back a laugh. Luckily, the bell rings, meaning most of the students - including Phoenix and me - rush out of the room. I end up in the closet, dragging a laughing Phoenix with me. I shut the door, turn to her and kiss her.

"I'm taking this," she murmurs, "as a yes to my invitation."

"Take it as a hell yes, baby."

I put my mouth on hers again, push her against a wall and kiss her harder. I feel her skin under my hands, her smile on mine, her teeth and tongue teasing me. It doesn't take long, and the temperatures are somewhere too high for it to be possible for wherever we are to be earth. Maybe - and this means something coming from a non-religious person - it's heaven. Maybe she is heaven.

"Aza," she breathes out and fuck, it's so damn sexy when she says my name. "We shouldn't... at school."

I pull away just a little, breathing heavily. "Do you want me to stop?" I say.


I continue kissing her, focusing more on her neck now. I have learned that Phoenix hates walking around with hickeys, but I have also learned that she loves getting them. She doesn't stop me - if anything, she's only encouraging me. Her hand is in my hair, and she's letting out these beautiful, hot sounds.

"Just don't..."

"Let you lose your virginity in a closet?" I murmur. "Told you I wouldn't."

"Thoughtful. Thanks."

"My pleasure."

"We have less than ten minutes."

"We could both be accidentally late for class."

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