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"Okay, so let me get this straight. You tried to defend Aza's girlfriend and you ended up letting her get beaten up?"

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"She isn't beaten up," Ky says. "At least I hope not."

Eli starts laughing. "This story is great," he says. "And Aza's girlfriend? Even greater, I love her."

"You don't even know her," I say.

"Then it's time for me to get to know her, isn't it? I didn't come all the way to this school just to pick up my silly little brother."

"You came because you're my legal guardian and get paid for it," Ky says.

"Oh come on," Eli says. "I wanna meet the person who gave you that huge hickey - it better not be that lame ass Seth, or whatever his name was."

"That lame ass Seth is dead to me."

"So it was Phoenix who gave you that hickey?"

"No, obviously it was Cass," Ky says.

"I see," Eli says. "Where is she, by the way? Why isn't she here trying to calm everyone down?"

"Because she's in there," Ky points at the school building, "trying to calm Phoenix down."

"Also known as the person who gave Aze that hickey," Eli says. "So you're finally getting some, huh?"

"This," I say, "is exactly why you're not allowed to meet Phoenix."

"I'll just wait. Cass will have to come out eventually, and I'm sure she'll bring your girlfriend with her."

"You know what? Cass can walk. And Phoenix isn't my girlfriend."




"You look like shit."

"Well, so do you."

"What you did was incredibly dumb."

"I know. I regret it."

"Thank you, Phoenix."

I bite my thumbnail. "Thank you too, Ky."

"How about a hug?"

"No thanks," I say, but he's already stepping forward. He pulls me into his arms. It feels like being hugged by a giant teddybear.

"I think that's enough," Aza says.

"Someone's jealous, huh?"

"Shut up, Ky. Just don't want you to squeeze Phoenix to death."

I wriggle out of the hug, saying, "So this is what I get for saving your life? That's disappointing."

"You didn't save his life," Cass says. "You just did something really stupid."

"I agree," Ky says.

"Me too," Aza says.

"Well, it's not like you," I look at Ky, "acted any smarter."

"Yes, I did."

"No, you didn't," Cass says.

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