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Tuesday. 10pm.

can i please join??

this is the cutest thing i've ever seen

thank you, my eyes have been blessed

might look cute, but if feels kinda painful



maise is pretty much suffocating me with her whole small weight and i can't move bc i don't want to wake her

so can i please join?

fly over superhero

i wish i could


think our dad might kill you

still think he's going to give in?


but i do think my mum might

i know you do

but i don't think so

i know you don't

but why not though?

she seems nicer now

or something

she literally told me to never enter your house ever again


have you talked yet?


we don't really talk

but she looks at me now

that's such big progress

i know

btw, where are the photos you said you'd send?


ew no

the ones you took of me for your project

wouldn't say no to nudes tho

eW nOo

i hate you

i hate you

i'll send them to you later

send what exactly? ;)

you'll see...

Before I can reply, the door to my room is opened. My father is standing in the doorway, still dressed in his white shirt and black trousers, a hesitant look on his face.

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