11| The Professor Is Mad

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Wahaj's POV

I feel my face flush just looking at him, and something funny happens in my chest. After that dream that could be a memory, I saw him in a new light. He is  young; not that much older than me. He's tall and a little muscular. Nice shoulders. Long legs. He's carrying a lot of stuff; books and folders full of paper. Astaghfirullah... I should lower my gaze.

It was my first time seeing him after the car accident, on the same day I went missing. He didn't seem to be fazed by the events that happened and acted like everything was normal. Unlike sane human beings.

"Good morning, Class. I don't know what you heard, but judging from all the emails I received about my absence, I can assure you there will be no need to worry and all your exams will be on time it was set." The class fell in silence since the final exam is set to be two weeks from now.

"I'm sorry to bother you Doc, but couldya' set it back a few weeks since we didn't study yet and you haven't teachen us anything ?!"

The class agreed in nods and in words like, ya, I agree, exactly. 

Professor. Yilmaz hated arguing, so he pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a strangled groan. "Little kids, I don't think you understand me. You aren't in first grade anymore, and you don't get to be spoon-fed, you will be doctors goddamit act like one and study on your own," with that he leaves the lecture without any more explanation taking his briefcase and laptop with him.

The class began to divide as some students ran after the Professor, and some just began complaining about his behaviour.

While Mariam is in whole other dementia, "Oh god, he is so hot when he is angry, Don't you agree ?!" Mariam says, looking at him leave. 

"Hot, you mean crazy, psycho, Shaytan ?" I corrected her. "I will fail, I will inevitably fail" two weeks wouldn't even matter. Professor. Yilmaz, unlike other professors, didn't have his test once in three months or submitted papers, but he had both essays and tests. One exam with a total of 70% of our grade while the report made 20% which I got 79 on and 10% were given to assessments which were surprise quizzes that I barely passed.

"I will go to the library and study instead of sitting here, talking to your mad mind" It was more of a comment to myself than a discussion. I left Mariam after saying goodbye and went to the library.


Time passes quickly. I spend four more hours in the library studying Professor. Yilmaz's assigned books that he didn't bother to even guide us through them. I finish three chapters before I saw three missed calls from Mama Ghada. I call and assure her that I was okay and not lost any more. She seemed to be worried that I would go missing again and I wouldn't blame her.

Twenty-one days isn't a short period and not remembering what happened doesn't sound legitimate or unwinding. Professor. Yilmaz not addressing me during the lecture but smiling when he first entered, made the whole situation a lot more unsettling.

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