39| Her Vengeance

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A/n All the BOLD&ITALIC text is from previous chapters. 

He wanted to say something but he lost motion, he lost consciousness as I kneeled down to look the man's level and said in a soft tone, "Hey... Are you awake?"

Wahaj's POV

"I am," He tried to open his eyes through the injury, he didn't scream or shout for help, he didn't look angry anymore, he only smiled.

Why was he still smiling?

My breath finally returns to me, I find myself saying things completely different to those I'd planned, "I will tell you why I am doing this, I am doing this to avenge what you have done to her," I spoke out.

The day he went to an appointment with me as he was yelling through the phone in a different language.

He was yelling in Romanin, the only person we have in common that spoke that language, according to Mrs chamberlain, was Black. That day in the hospital, One of Mr Black's men was posed as the doctor since I saw the tattoo on his hand that reminded me of the symbol in the professor's body. That day was the day Mr Black wanted to teach the professor a lesson since he wanted me dead and the professor was preventing that from happening. He tried to show the professor his knowledge by killing them.

The tattoo just below the professor's chest, I remember from the final night with the professor when we were kidnapped.

How I knew he wanted to kill us was because I was a medical student when I saw the needle on the table he tried to kill me with, it was to end the pregnancy.

I ruined Mr Black plans and the professor by running away.

"How do I remember any of this? You may ask," I stated as his green eyes seemed to fade.

His eyes like hers were intoxicating to watch through the pain that they both possessed. 

"I started writing in my diary "  I promise myself to not cry anymore and to give myself only prayer time to complain to my creator, and that was it, no matter what happens...

I kept a diary. I wrote everything, and I was smart enough that I didn't tell anyone about it because if I did, The professor would have gotten rid of it.

"That is why you asked why aren't you crying, and when I responded, it wasn't what you liked. Because you wanted me to cry, you wanted me to tell you about the diary, to break down so I won't be able to think.

"You hadn't cried once since your break down when I told you," He said, "It isn't good for you to keep your emotions bottled up,"

Should I tell him that if I didn't have my emotions bottled up, I would be crying every single day? Should I tell him, my father, abandoning me when I was five, my grandmother abandoning me now has taken a toll on my life. My brain quitting on me after twenty-one years. Kerem leaving me and going back to his ex-wife? Should I tell him that him abandoning me would break me without ever being able to glue myself back together? That is why I will endure everything and anything.

The Secret Life of My Husband, The Professor ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant