21| Somethings Can Easily Be Separated

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Wahaj's POV

"WHAT?" Aisha screeched and wrapped her arms around me. "You got married!" She cheered as she struggled to lift me.

She didn't care that I didn't tell her, which wasn't odd for Aisha.

"Put me down, silly; you can't carry me." I laughed, and she set me back down in a big huff.

"Besides, It isn't something to be happy about!" I said in blue tone. "And can you keep your voice down, no one knows not even my family,"

"Why not ?" She asked worriedly. "Does he have a second wife ?" She asked, concerned knwoing my past relationships.

"Not that I know of," I admmited since I didn't know Kerem had a wife when I fell in love with him and married him, but for the professor I really didn't care if he did or not because I didn't care about him, "and beside it isn't like that he and I were practically married not for the reason of marriage but out of ...." as I searched for a word that wouldn't say too much, "convenience,"

"Ya Allah Wahaj, you're acting like you have made a crime, you got married." she groaned as I went to organize the drink mixes. "That will teach Elian," She says, referring to Elian, the guy who left me after I disappeared.

"It is just that.." I tried again to find the right word to describe the situation.

"Professor" Aisha announced as a warning. I stepped away from the drink mix and looked at him as he approached with a sceptical look.

"Uhh?" He stammered.

"D-Did you forget something?" I muttered, attempting to cover my agonized face while trying to keep Aisha from elbowing me behind the counter.

"Mm, yeah..to order." His eyes flickered as he said, " I think I'll have a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one-quarter non-fat. Extra hot, split quad shots (1 1/2 shots decaf, 2 1/2 shots regular). No foam latte, with a whip, two packets of Splenda, one sugar in the raw. A touch of vanilla syrup and three short sprinkles of cinnamon." He finished his order as I looked over to Aisha, hoping she at least got half of it.

"And could you make it quick, I am running late," He says.

"So Black tea, it is," I say dismissing his order and ordering something that I could actually understand.

Just as he was about to yell for giving him black tea, instead of his complicated order, I ran into the bathroom. I grabbed onto the edge of the sink, While I emptied my stomach violently into the white porcelain bowl. I waited a few more minutes for nausea to pass before I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth again for the second time today.

This brain injury was causing vomiting and constant headache as I read about it. It had been bugging me mostly for the past three weeks, and no amount of medication I had taken so far had managed to bring it under control.

The Secret Life of My Husband, The Professor ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora