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^^picture just cuz Kookies a cutie^^


Finished this chapter today as a little present because of the album.
So far my favorite is Friends 🥺🥺🥺 vmin bro UghHh

Yeah anyway enjoy👏


"W-wait" Jungkook nearly sunk into his seat. He's never wanted to disappear as much as he did in that moment. Jungkooks mind was racing with so many thoughts, each one being taken over by a new one and it went on and on, until he felt a faint touch on his reddening thigh.

His head snapped down to see Jimins hesitant hand caress the youngers legs gently, trying to calm him down and reassure Jungkook that his actions were purely innocent and friendly. Jungkooks eyes trailed up the artists body, eventually meeting his eyes. Jimins gaze was gentle totally the opposite of what the elder was feeling on the inside, but he thought it was best that he swallowed his feelings and calm the younger man down, lest he make a scene and think Jimin was some creepy stalker.

"What exactly do you mean?" Jungkook subtly moved his leg away from Jimins touch, even though it was sweet and gentle, he still didn't feel comfortable with the man touching him that like right now.
Jimin's mind was pondering over whether he should tell him the truth or come up with a good enough excuse.

Jimin was stuck, he didn't know what to do and what could come from either of the options he has. What if he lied to him, he wouldn't really know he was lying? Right? He could just say.. he's seen him somewhere..??? He can't even come up with a good enough lie in such short time.

But if he told him the truth, the chances of Jungkook fucking sprinting out the front door were huge- or anything bigger than that. The chances were ginormous. But he could also be happy, happy that he's met a fan?
'UGh!!!! It doesn't matter just say something for shits sake Jimin!'

"I might've seen you online" The elder blurts out. The words didn't register completely before he spat them out, but once they did his face was as white as a sheet, eyes blown wider than they've ever been.

"Where online exactly?" Jungkook was scared of the answer.

"You're bbybun97. The camboy right?" Jimin rubbed his hands together, forgetting that he had his gloves on and it made a loud squeaking noise because of the rubber. Jimin cringed at the sound and fumbled to rip the gloves off and lay them on the table alongside his tools.

Jungkook pulled his sleeves down to cover his hands, shifting around uncomfortably in his seat to adjust his hoodie to cover what he could of himself. He felt as if he could cry at any given moment, he's never come across anyone that has watched his videos, —other than Taehyung of course— and now that he has, he just doesn't know how to react. Especially since he doesn't really know Jimin, he doesn't know whether he's the type of person who's perverted and will expose him or the person who's sweet and understanding.

"I-I don–wh–I" Jungkooks panicking was cut off by the elders equally as panicked voice, "Hey- wait, wait okay? Don't- Dont rush anything, don't overthink." Jimin wanted to comfort the younger somehow but was at a loss of what to do. "Listen, I promise I'm not going to do anything, I'm not a pervert. I'm just a fan. I swear." The artist raised his hands to gesture with, moving them frantically to match with his words.

Jimins eyes softened at the sight of the younger all huddled up against the back of the chair, as if he was trying to become one with it. He really looked afraid of him. But he guessed that he had said something right because Jungkook became slightly less tense.

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