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Jungkook smiles down at his phone, the screens light being the only thing illuminating his face in the darkness of his room, other than the moon shining through his window.

He's been staring at the same text for about twenty minutes straight without realizing. It was a simple text, he read over it once more.
"Can't sleep, you up? I wanna talk to someone."

It's only until he sees the three dots indicating the person on the other side of the conversation is typing again, probably wondering why he's taking so long to reply.

Said person he's texting is none other than Jimin. They've been chatting back and forth for just about a week and a half now, the older having asked for his number after their last tattoo session.
The tattoo artist stayed true to his word and never mentioned his camboy tendencies ever since then, and that was a good enough reason for Jungkook to attempt to trust him, at least enough to become friends.

"Couldn't sleep either, I keep thinking about how difficult the next semester will be. T^T"

Their conversations always consisted of small talk, never getting too deep, the reason being that they're still overly awkward with each other. Mostly from the youngers side but that's besides the point.

Jungkooks phone pinged with a notification, but it wasn't a text. Instead, it was from his camboy website. He's been getting a lot of messages lately about a new club (Euphoria) opening up —maybe a month ago— that his subscribers thought might interest him, and to tell the truth he's starting to be convinced to go.

This club isn't any normal club per say, it's a dom/sub sort of sex club, where people have shows onstage infront of a crowd of people. Scenes of ropes and leather whips and what have you. And to be frank, Jungkooks dying to go, but he has kept in mind that the fans of his that have sent him messages informing him about the place could be luring him into something dangerous, they could be there waiting for him to come and once they recognize him that's their cue to pounce.
But sometimes that thought just flies straight to the back of his head and all he can think about is wearing a nice leather collar and being put in his place by a dom. He's been drooling over the idea for a while. And he's never actually been to one. The thought of horny dominate men staring at him hungrily and wanting to do things to him excited the young man but also terrified him.

he repeated to himself that he should make a decisions, even if that decision was pretty much driven by curiosity and lust.

Before he knew it, he was already driving to the location a few days after.

He took a deep breath, staring at the building outside his car window, it was a sort of apartment building, and there were quite a few people coming in and out.

He eventually got out of his car, making sure to lock it before stuffing his car keys into his jacket pocket.

He shivered at the cold that evening, pulling the hood of his jacket up to cover his head. Once he got to the entrance of the place, the security guard stood there with a firm gaze. "I.D."

Jungkook scurried to take the card out of his wallet, watching the much taller man read what was written on it. It didn't take a minute before he was giving it back to Jungkook, then he asked for the password.

"Peppermint." Jungkook quickly remembered, and with that the man in front of him stepped out of the way and let him through.

Jungkook fiddled with the bottom of his shirt, the further he went into the club, the more nervous he got. And the louder the music blasted.

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