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Sorry it took awhile. Please enjoy 🖤and thank you for 15k reads!! 🤧🖤✨


Jungkook groans, nuzzling his face deeper into the soft pillow he was cuddled up to. It took a few minutes for his eyes to flutter open, lightly stretching his arms and legs under the duvet.

He yawned, lazily looking around his room— wait.
He jolted into an upright position. Eyes wide and chest heaving.

"Where the fuck am I?" He whispered. He was in a dimmed room, light barely coming in from the window behind the curtains.

He looked down, seeing that he wasn't in the clothing he was wearing the night before. What the fuck. He groaned at the sudden headache that made its way from the back of his head straight to his forehead.

He tries to remember what happened, putting the faint memories of the night before together. Did he really end up getting laid last night?

He knew that's what he wanted in the first place, but now that he was actually sitting there in a stranger's bed, he was mortified.

The creek of the door opening wider made the trembling young man's head turn towards it, terrified of who was behind the door.

When his eyes landed on the man, it felt as if he was hit by a baseball bat. Everything from last night came crashing down on him.

He watched as Jimin slowly opened the door. He probably expected Jungkook to be sleeping judging from his facial expression. But to his surprise, he was not.

"Good morning." He speaks, making his way to the window before opening the shutters just enough for some light to come through. "I didn't think you'd be awake so early."

Jungkook wanted to throw himself out of the window at the thought of his actions the previous night towards the older, shame and regret washed over his pale and blushed face.

He felt so awkward, thought that Jimin must be thinking that Jungkook was the weirdest fucking person he's ever met in his life. And suddenly he felt his stomach drop, the combination of all the nerves and alcohol in his system made him want him to throw everything up.

Jimin must of noticed how panicked Jungkook looked. Face frowning in concern. "Are you okay?"

That's all it took for Jungkook to yank the covers from on top of him, jump out of the bed and rush to find the bathroom. He slammed the door open, and dropping down to his knees on the cold tiled floor, before letting out the contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl.

The noises he made were disgusting and very unattractive, making him feel even more embarrassed. He was literally throwing up in his tattooist's bedroom toilet after begging him for sex only the night before.

He attempted to hold back the sounds coming from his throat once he heard footsteps getting closer, until he saw a pair of slippers halt beside him. And just a few seconds later, Jungkook feels Jimins fingers running through his hair. He felt said fingers collecting his hair into a little palm tree at the top of his head. The elastic band wrapping around his locks to keep it away from his eyes.

Jimin crouches nearby Jungkook after he had finished tying his long hair back. He stares at the side of vomiting man's head, mind pondering over whether he should try soothing him or not.

His hand hesitantly made it's way to way to the camboys back anyway, hesitating a couple of times before finally making contact with it. Rubbing up and down the clothed skin.

When the room went silent, and Jungkook had calmed down, his heavy breathing being the only sound filling the room, Jimin spoke up. "Feeling better?" Jimin asks, thumb caressing the others back. Jungkook nods, relaxing into Jimin's touch.

"I'll leave you to freshen up then." He says, slowly removing he hand away. "There's an extra toothbrush in the top drawer." He informs before leaving the bathroom.

Jungkook flushes the toilet and struggled to stand. He eventually gets up and places his palms on the edge of the sink. He stares at his appearance in the mirror. Eyes red and teary, cheeks flushed and his hair...He sighs, going through the drawer to see a brand new toothbrush, still in it's packet.

He brushes his teeth, washes his face and uses toilet before he opened the door to see that Jimin, neatly folding Jungkook's clothes on the newly made bed.

'I forgot he was a neat freak.' Jungkook thought, fondling with the bottom of Jimin's sweatshirt that he was still wearing.

"Your clothes smelt like alcohol and so I washed them for you." The older says, turning to look at Jungkook, whos eyes stayed glued to the floor.

Jimin feels his heart sting at the thought that he might've gone too far with the contact in the bathroom. He decides to ignore his stupid feelings, it meant nothing since he knew the poor boy must be feeling way out of his comfort zone to be in the home of one of his viewers who has seen him in his most vulnerable moments.

"When you're done getting dressed, come downstairs for breakfast, then I can take you home." He says before leaving Jungkook to change.

Jungkook stayed glued in his place, his mind reeling with the though that Jimin cleaned his clothes for him and is basically taking care of him when he doesn't have any obligation to. He lightly smiled to himself, picking up his neatly placed clothes and swapped them with the ones he was wearing. He folded the older's clothes as nicely as Jimin did his, fixed his hair and went off to find the kitchen.

It took him some time but he eventually found Jimin in the kitchen, setting two plates of food on the table. The tattoo artist gestured for the younger to have a seat, which he did, and watched Jimin move around the kitchen to fix his breakfast.

"You didn't have to do this y'know.."Jungkook fiddled with his fingers on the table top, making Jimin look over his shoulder at his words. "Don't be stupid, of course I did" He turned back around to focus on his original task, "I couldn't leave you alone last night, god only knows what could've happened to you. And cooking you breakfast isn't a big deal." He finished. His words unknowingly making Jungkook's heart flutter.

"Not just that. You didn't take advantage of me even though I pushed you to, and you let me stay at your house.." Jungkook insisted, he wanted to show his gratitude to the elder as much as possible.

"We're friends now right? It's what friends do." The tattoo artist set out the breakfast onto the plates, handing the younger his utensils and a glass of juice.

"Yeah.." Jungkook mumbled, stuffing his face with the food instead of answering anymore. The conversation died down between the two as they ate slowly, and when they finished, Jimin put their empty plates into the sink to wash later, and put in his shoes to take the younger home.

"No no, you don't have to. You've done enough already, really." Jungkook pushed at the elder's chest lightly, hoping he'd get his way. But Jimin was persistent, "I brought you here, I'll take you home. It's not a big deal." He said, picking up his keys and holding the door open for the younger who just stood there with his arms crossed and pout on his beautiful face.

"Ughh!" The younger groaned and stomped his way out the door like a big baby. "You owe me for this." Jungkook huffed out, Jimin following right behind him. "Oh yes I'm so sorry for taking you home sir. I totally owe you." Jimin rolled his eyes, unlocking the car and climbing inside.

"Don't try to be funny here, I'll get you back." Jungkook pointed his finger in the elders face daringly, "Yeah, I'm really scared." Jimin mumbled sarcastically with a smirk.

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