𝟭𝟯 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆

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Naomi watched curiously as Oikawa walked back and forth in the hallway outside the gym.
"I thought you guys go to the finals every year, why is he pacing?"
Iwaizumi sighed, taking his teal-colored uniform from his manager.
"We always lose in the finals. He hates their captain."
"Ushijima? That guy?"
"Yeah, that guy."

Naomi took Iwaizumi's empty water bottle to go fill it. The halls were much emptier now that the finals were taking place.
Naomi felt a shiver run down her neck. It felt like eyes were on her. She turned around to find a rather tall guy directly behind her.
"You stutter? You're just adding onto the list of things that are cute about you!"
His bright red hair dipped down to her face. His smile made her feel strange.
"You're wearing the Seijoh jacket. You couldn't possibly-"
He slapped the palms of his hands onto his cheeks, raising up his face and grinning.
"You must be their manager! Why are you out here all alone? They can't beat us or keep track of their pretty little manager."

If Naomi had known she'd run into so many people, she wouldn't have accepted becoming the manager, not even if Oikawa begged her to.
She wished he were here right now, just to get this guy away from her.
"I might bask in winning this even more if I know you'll be watching up close."
He shoved his hands into his purple jacket with a heavy sigh.
"No hard feelings about that though, okay? I wanna go out with you after this is over. How bout it?"
Naomi noticed a large figure standing by the windows.

"What?" Tendou turned around to his captain, making his shoulders fall down.
"I was just having a conversation!"
"We have to warmup in three minutes."
"Wakatoshi-Kun! You're so stingy! Let me get her number first!"
Wakatoshi?! As in the guy Oikawa hates?!

"I'm sorry-" Naomi nervously chucked. The two boys looked down at her, Ushijima seemed to be studying her.
"I have a boyfriend."
Tendou lifted his shoulders and spread his arms out.
"Why?! That sucks!"
"I'm sorry?"
"It's probably Oikawa, isn't it?" Tendou patted Ushijima's back and rested his hands atop the taller male's shoulders.
"That guy beats you in one thing, and that's getting girls."

Naomi smiled while she rubbed her neck.
"N-no it's not Oikawa."
"Well don't sound so sad about it," Tendou laughed, "I know you wish it was me, but you sound rather disappointed!"
"Tendou, leave her alone," Ushijima told him, "it's not our business. Let's go warmup."
"But she's an angel!"

Ushijima took his friend's arm as he walked him along.
"Doesn't matter. Let's go before you get yelled at again."
Naomi stood dumbfounded as she watched the two leave. That was the team that beat Oikawa every year?

She rejoined her team, and Iwaizumi was quick to notice her emotions.
"You seem upset. Is something bothering you?"
She shook her head quickly, stepping back from him.
"You aren't very good at hiding how you feel."
He took hold of her arms and rubbed down the sides of them.
"Itsuwaru, are you okay?"
"I ran into the other team. They're really weird."
"They said stuff about us didn't they?"
"They always do. Don't pay mind to them. We'll win this."

Naomi nodded, knowing they wouldn't.
Oikawa hadn't spoken once to her during the five sets that took place. He seemed so concentrated and angry. Something was stirring within him that was ugly and hurtful.
Naomi hadn't ever seen Oikawa like this. This jealousy and hate was different than how he was with Tobio.
Tobio was disappointment, this was pure hatred.

The bus ride was quiet back home. No one wanted to speak of their loss. It seemed that the third year's had been used to this defeat, but Oikawa was different.
The boys set up the gym when they got back, wanting to practice even after the game.

"I can take you home," Iwaizumi told Naomi. "I don't have to practice right now."
She looked over at the team's captain as he walked over to the serving line.
"Iwaizumi, it's okay. If you want to practice, you should."
"I'd rather be with you at the moment."
She nodded, watching Oikawa serve up the ball and run his hands through his hair after seeing where it landed.

Naomi hadn't realized how much she missed Iwaizumi being the main converser on their walks. The silence kinda hurt, especially because she knew he was rethinking every move he had made during the game.
"Uh, Iwaizumi?"
He turned his face slightly to see hers as they walked.
"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow? We haven't gone on one yet."

She wanted to cringe at her own question. I don't want to go on a date with him! There wasn't anything else she could think of to raise his spirits.
"Really? I'd love to."
"We can go to the koi pond. I really liked it."
He smiled as they turned into her yard.
"Thanks for keeping Oikawa tamed. You made him a little happy, even for a moment."
"I assume he gets really sad after games with them?"
"I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight, Iwaizumi."
"Goodnight, Itsuwaru."

She grumbled as she searched her closet for an outfit to wear. A stupid date that she asked for.
"This better all be worth it," she sighed. "I think I've kissed him way too much."
She set her outfit out for the next day and went to sleep, thinking about the two boys she admired throughout that day's game.

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