The appetite of Glutteny: Part 1

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3rd person POV:

It was another day for (Y/n). He worked at his lab to make a little cash, and when Tifa came in with info from her sources, (Y/n) would get in Azrexel and fight either Majesty or Trudian.

He was successful in his endeavors, getting a good kick out of the fighting. Along with all the battles came some recognition. (Y/n) or more specifically Azrexel had been getting popular.

No one had any clue who he was nor why he was fighting. Some think he's stopping the dirty aspect of the two major powers, others claim he is just someone wanting to fight.

Some wild theorists claim that there is no pilot and the red Gear is some type of super-advanced AI that was installed into the Gear and has went rouge. But that was too far fetched for the majority to believe.

Without the knowledge of knowing who this pilot of the red Gear was, people began naming him. Some people called him red rebellion, others the red angel, some called him the blade of violence, but the most popular of them was Red Gear.

The reason everyone called him was that it was simple, obvious, and no one was nerdy enough to call him anything else in public.

Right now, (Y/n) was finishing off the repairs of Azrexel.

(Y/n): There! Good as new.

Tifa: Hey (Y/n)! Come here for a minute!

(Y/n): On my way!

He looked at Azrexel for a moment.

(Y/n): Keep on looking cool.

He then made his way to Tifa who was in the control area with Aiba.

(Y/n): So what's up? Another lead?

Tifa: No. Here, put this on.

Tifa tosses an outfit for (Y/n) to put on.

(Y/n): Tifa, I'm not a doll you can dress up...

Tifa: It's a pilot suit for when you go out with Azrexel.

(Y/n): Oh. I thought this was-

Tifa: Was what? What did you think this was? Another outfit I so gracefully gave you so you wouldn't have to wear your worn-out clothes?

(Y/n): Heh... I thought it was nothing... Forget I said anything...

He quickly left so he could change. A few minutes later.

(Y/n): How do I look?

(The color can be whatever you want)

Aiba: You now somewhat resemble a pilot

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Aiba: You now somewhat resemble a pilot.

(Y/n): Somewhat?

Tifa: It's better than his dirty grease monkey look.

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