Splitting at the crossroads: part 2

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3rd person POV:

After finding out what the Mars satellite is potentially capable of, they now had to discuss what was their next course of action.

Daniel: What's the plan?

Queen: We take the satellite and use it against them.

(Y/n): There's no point, we should just destroy it.

Queen: Why would there be no point in capturing the satellite? It would be a valuable asset.

(Y/n): There is no denying that the satellite will help prolong the war.

Queen: So why should we destroy it then?

(Y/n): Our goal in coming here, wasn't to help prolong or win it, but instead end it. It seems quite counterintuitive to help secure it.

(Y/n): If we could destroy it, we could use it as a distraction to get on to Mars.

Queen: You still believe in that fantasy?

(Y/n): Of course. Do you believe you can win this war?



Aiba: We still have some time until the satellite is finished. You all should rest before anything else.

Queen: A excellent idea. Children need their rest.

(Y/n): Isn't 64 a little too old to be a child?



Daniel: Okay, that's enough (Y/n). Remember what Tifa used to remind you what not to do when talking to people?


(Y/n): Tch...

He then left to go get some rest in the Box. Gaze, Aiba, and Daniel joined him, however, Marcus stayed to talk with his mother.

Marcus: What's your plan?

Queen: To win.

Marcus: Winning this war won't solve anything it'll -

Queen: You've spent too much time with that... Wild card.

Marcus: There's a reason for his wildness.

Queen: So you're choosing his side over your mothers?

Marcus: What? No, I didn't say that!

Queen: Then who side are you on?

Marcus: I'm on the one that lets my family live in peace.

Queen: Then you're on my side then. His idea is ludicrous and would never work. If we defeat the Martians we could become greater than ever before.


Queen: It's a lot to think about, think it all over. I know you'll come to the right conclusion.

Marcus then walked to the box, with a lot weighing on his mind.

Arriving at his room, Marcus finds Gaze leaning against his door.

Gaze: Let's chat, old pal.

Marcus: Very well. I do need to speak to someone.

The two enter the room and began talking.

Gaze: What did you and your mother discuss?

Marcus: She wants me to choose a side. Her or Nexstar's.

Gaze: I see... I guess I know what you'll choose.

Marcus: What is that supposed to mean?

Gaze: You're going to side with your mother.

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