Greed of the young: part 1

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3rd person Pov:

(Y/n) was in the box with Tifa, Futaba, and Aiba.

Tifa was on the recently added couch, reading an electronic magazine.

Futaba was trying to figure out how to more effectively translate the language of the boxes computer.

(Y/n) himself was working on a small device that could fly.

Aiba was pestering (Y/n) as he was distracted with

Aiba: Sir.


Aiba: Sir?

(Y/n): Uh-huh...

Aiba: Sir!

(Y/n): Interesting...

Aiba: I'll tase you.

She gets her taser out and threatens him.

(Y/n): That's nice...

Aiba was about to tase him but Tifa stopped her.

Tifa: Aiba. Don't tase him.

Aiba: But he's not listening to me.

Tifa: It's been an hour, he's probably in the "zone". If he goes 3 hours like this then tase him. Until then, try something else.

Futaba: Why is tase him?

Tifa: When he gets like that, it usually means he'll work until he's finished with what he's doing or pass out due to exhaustion, and that's not exactly healthy, so Aiba will tase him to stop him from going too far.

Futaba: He gets like that?

Tifa: It's a double-edged sword of habits.

Aiba: Sir!

Aiba: Tch...

Tifa: What do you want from him? Do you want daddy's attention?

Aiba: I will never call this fool my "daddy "!

Futaba: But he is your father in a way...

Aiba:(angry AI noises)

Tifa:(chuckles) Okay, calm down. But seriously, what do you even want?

Aiba: I want to remind this idiot to build me a proper, body. This little bot body is getting frustrating to use. I'm too short, don't have hands and a whole assortment of... Stuff.

Tifa: But you're kinda cute like that.

Aiba: I don't care. You don't know what it is like. You have arms and b-

Aiba had an idea and turned towards (Y/n).

Aiba: Sir, look! Tifa is striping!

Tifa: Aiba!


He does snap out of his " zone" state but continued to work on his device. If he did react to Aiba's words then Tifa would probably hit him for that.

Aiba: She's in her underwear!


He had no idea if she was telling the truth. There many scenarios where that would be the case, but the end result would be the same if he looked.

His only option he thought was to quickly finish the device.

Aiba: She's now-

(Y/n): Done!

He turned towards the others.

(Y/n): Hey Futaba. Tifa, looking good.

Tifa:(smiles) Thank you.

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