There is love: part 1

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3rd person POV:

In the headquarters of Majesty, Kanzaki walked through the halls of the base and made her way to the office of the leader of this organization, Gaze.

She knocked on the door and waited for an answer to if she was or was not allowed in.

Gaze:(muffled) Come in.

She entered the room to see Gaze in his chair. He turned off his monitor so his full attention was on Kanzaki.

Gaze: Is something wrong Kanzaki? You seem a little too uptight than usual.

Kanzaki: I need to take a leap of absence.

Gaze:... This isn't a job, it's a cause. You can't just take a break, you're a criminal in the eyes of Trudian.

Kanzaki: I have business to take care of, that's... Personal.


Gaze: Where?

Kanzaki: Sakura city, my birthplace.

Gaze: How long?

Kanzaki: At most two to three days.

Gaze: You're lucky that we don't have anything major planned.

Gaze: You can go, but if you're not back in three days I will assume you died.

Kanzaki: Thank you, sir.

Gaze:(sigh) You're too formal.

Kanzaki leaves.

Meanwhile, with Jen Hyde, she was going through a similar situation. She entered Prince Marcus' office.

Marcus put down his tablet, so his attention was entirely on Jen.

Marcus: Is something wrong?

Jen: I will like to take a vacation for a few days.


Marcus: For the many years you have worked for me, you have never asked for a vacation, not even once.

Marcus: After your loyal services, I won't deny you, but I am curious why now.

Jen: I... Have a few personal problems I have to solve in Sakura city.

Marcus: Your home city, right?

Jen: Yes, sir.

Marcus glanced at his tablet for a moment before he looked back at Jen.

Marcus: Huh... Go on then. You are one of the Trudian army's most loyal and skilled soldier, you've earned a break.

Jen: Thank you, sir.

Jen leaves the room.

She then makes her way to her chambers and packs up a few things before taking her transportation to the biodome of Sakura city.

The trip to Sakura city took a couple of hours. She had already bought tickets in advance so she could go right away.

When Jen arrived in the city, a wave of nostalgia blew over her. She remembered the simpler times in her life when she was more youthful.

As she walked through the city, she saw what changed and what stayed. The closer she got to her first destination the more her heart started to pound and ache with guilt.

She was trained and had been in extreme situations in her time as a soldier, but yet none of it prepared her for this.

All her training did was help her see this through.

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