The path to Mars: part 2

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3rd person are:

(Y/n): Captain's log! Entry two...

(Y/n): It has been three days since we left the moon base, but our arrival to mars is still weeks away.

(Y/n): The current estimated time of arrival is fifteen days of uninterrupted flight. Using that time along with the information gained on our potential enemies, I've modified project "P.O.W.E.R" to run at it's highest possible performance.

(Y/n): I've managed to lock the others out of hanger bay ß where I've been working on the project, but I fear Aiba will soon spoil it.

(Knock knock knock)

Aiba:(muffled) Open up, so we can make sure you're not doing something stupid!

(Y/n): They found me! I must go. Captain Nexstar signing off.

He opens the door to see everyone. He then casually leans on the door frame.

(Y/n): Need anything?

Aiba: We want to see what you're doing.

(Y/n): I kinda want to make it a surprise.

Aiba: No.

Aiba pushes past (Y/n) and looked at what he made.


Aiba: I... I don't know what to say at this... Thing...

Marcus, Gaze, and Daniel then came in and looked at project P.O.W.E.R.

Daniel: Oh (Y/n)...

Daniel: Oh (Y/n)

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Project P.O.W.E.R was a 150 m long katana.

Aiba: What the hell is this!?

(Y/n): Listen...

(Y/n): We might face an army of remote operated Gears, meaning we don't have to hold back.

(Y/n): And since the Box doesn't have any weapons itself, I made this. A giant beam weapon that I made to look like a katana.

(Y/n): That's why I built project P.O.W.E.R aka the Gerbera.

Aiba: Sir, this monstrosity is unusable on a planet and even in space, Azrexel wouldn't be able to wield it.

(Y/n):.... I can fix that.

Daniel: How?

(Y/n): I'll figure it out.

Gaze: Is he always like this?

Aiba/Daniel: Yes...

(Y/n):(sigh) Is there anything I can help you all with?

Gaze: Yes, we should all discuss our battle strategy if we come across any enemies.

(Y/n): Let's walk and talk to hanger bay alfa.

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