Splitting at the crossroads: part 1

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3rd person POV:

Marcus was in his mother's office, catching up with her.

Queen: How are my daughter's doing?

Marcus: Mostly there the same, but in recent times I like to believe we've reconnected somewhat...

Marcus: Venus is in a serious relationship...

Queen: What are they like?

Marcus: He's the kind, innocent type... And a minor...

Queen:... Oh... I see...

Marcus: There seventeen now.

Queen: As long as the relationship didn't start when he was under fifteen I'll let it slide.

Queen: How have you been doing?

Marcus: Alright, all things considered.

Marcus: I might have gotten carried away with the mission you gave me, but (Y/n) and his red Gear happened.

Queen: And what do you think of that boy?

Marcus: He isn't the best when it comes to understanding emotions from what I can tell...

Queen: He hides his intelligence with a mask of foolishness and emotion.

Marcus: I don't believe he means any harm by it. He may just be doing so because it helps him interact with others.

Queen: Or he could make it easier for him to manipulate others.

Marcus: Do you not like him?

Queen: I don't know him, so I can't truly say... But I don't like how he wants me to waist resources to try to fulfill a fantasy.

Marcus: You don't think there can be peace?

Queen: Marcus... With the history we have, and how things are now... There isn't much hope for that. And I will not surrender earth to them.

Queen: You agree with me, right, son?

Marcus:... Of course...

Queen: But?

Marcus: But how long can you do this for? You are not going to live forever, and this war won't help with that.

Queen:... I was mad that you are here, but thinking about it, I'm happy.

Marcus: You are?

Queen: For many reasons, but since you mentioned it, I'm happy because I can teach you to carry on my work.


Queen: Martians think they can beat us by outlasting us. We can show them...

Queen: But it's time for rest, we'll continue this later. Get some sleep.

Marcus: Yes... I'll talk to you later...

Queen: Goodnight.

Marcus: Goodnight.

Marcus then made his way to the room in the Box.


The group was now in the war room, where the Queen strategies.

(Y/n): So will you help us get to Mars?

Queen: That depends on you.

(Y/n): How so?

Queen: If you help us first, I'll consider helping you.

(Y/n):... What do you want?

Queen: The Martians are building a weapon in orbit. We can't get anywhere near it, there heavily defending it. I want you to get close scan it to figure out what we're dealing with.

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