Last stand for peace: Part 3

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3rd person Pov:

Zach and Tribriel were facing the L05 aka Omega.

Omega: If you don't mind, I'll be destroying that city. You're welcome to join.

Zach:(on speaker) I can't let you do that.

Omega: I'd like to see you stop me.

Omega pulls out his long-handled buster sword.

Tribriel combined his daggers to his arm.

Omega walked towards Zach as Tribriel ran at him

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Omega walked towards Zach as Tribriel ran at him.

Tribriel went for the first attack when he attempted to see the strength and speed of Omega with a thrust towards him.

Omega easily parried the blow.

Tribriel then sent a flurry of blows at Omega who was able to block and dodge the flurry.

Tribriel swung down his lance blade at Omega who used the blunt side of his weapon to parry his attack, which made Tribriel stumble back.

Once he regained his balance, he quickly got ready to strike back, but he quickly noticed that Omega was gone.


Zach:(mind) Invisibility?

Omega then slashes at Tribriel from behind, leaving a large gash.

Zach: Ugh!

Zach quickly turns and swings back, but again, Omega was nowhere to be found. Only for a moment, a strange sound could be heard.

Zach: How? There should be some kind of sound even if he's invisible.

Omega then pierced Tribriel's back with his weapon. He then lifted Tribriel up and tossed him to the ground.

Zach: What the hell is going on!?

Omega: Now if you'd excuse me...

Omega suddenly smacked a rocket fired at him, back at his attack.

Omega suddenly smacked a rocket fired at him, back at his attack

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