xii. Not ready for this world

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Not ready-why fit in when you were born to standout?

Not ready-why fit in when you were born to standout?

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"What do you think of this one?"

Freya lifted her head from her feet at Lucrecia's request before straightening up completely in a sitting position under Lu's still dazed eyes."How are you doing that? It looks like you are made without articulation."

"Years and years of practice." Replied brunette Bjørkaas before glancing at the red dress she was holding."And the color doesn't really go with my skin texture."

Lucrecia rolled her eyes as she threw the dress on the already imposing pile before choosing a new one in impatience."So what about this one."

Freya was about to decline only Lu stopped her.

"If you tell me that this dress doesn't suit you, I swear I'm going to lose my patience, Freya."

Freya gave her a flat look at her vain threat before standing up with flexibility and agility before glancing into Lu's wardrobe. The latter sighed before throwing the dress she had in the hands on the growing pile before dropping heavily on her bed in exhaustion.

Freya slid the hangers content with Lu's dresses in search of an outfit that would suit her.

To be honest, if it had only been held in Freya, she would have returned to the dance studio to work on her performance. Only Carmen had forbidden her. She even took advantage of her father's absence to encourage her to go to this party. After Lucrecia obviously told her about it, of course.

This growing complicity between her stepmother and her friend was genuinely beginning to worry her.

"I really don't understand Guzmàn anymore." Lu sighed, resuming her endless monologue on the blonde Nunier.

Freya genuinely complained about her friend. She couldn't really tell her but it was pretty obvious that, if there had ever been love between them, it was over.

However Lucrecia had been content to ignore her each time Freya had tried to make her understand. Admittedly she was not an expert in love but she was not blind.

So she was content to stay with Lucrecia while waiting for the inevitable moment to come.

"Maybe you should stop trying to figure him out." Freya suggested shyly as she gave her a hesitant look over her shoulder."Maybe you should try to contradict him instead."

Lucrecia frowned before turning her head to Freya in distrust."Am I wrong or don't you like him very much?"

"It's not a question of enjoying him or not." Freya replied immediately as she turned back to Lu's wardrobe to avoid meeting her gaze."It's just that I think he acts selfish and capricious. There is not a right or wrong way to deal with grief. Only there is the way to do it. Anger does nothing. It only serves to gnaw at us from the inside. And that's how we end up taking drugs ... or worse."

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