ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale

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"I think we should talk about what happened

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"I think we should talk about what happened."

Freya immediately raised her head from her palm as she gave a sarcastic look at her stepmother."Seriously? We're on our way to interrupt a search of one of my closest friends. I don't think it's time to talk about my problems."

She hated being so harsh with Carmen but currently she couldn't really take care of her own problems when Rebecca was currently crumbled under the police.

However, she had to admit that she didn't really understand her mother's initiative. It was pretty obvious to everyone that Rebecca's mother was guilty. So Freya didn't really understand why Rebecca's mother absolutely wanted her stepmother to represent her.

She shook her head at the thought before resting her head in the palm of her hand as she watched the houses in the beautiful neighborhoods parading before them. Carmen gave a concerned side look at the brunette before letting out a long, weary sigh."I thought you would be relieved that I would help your friend."

Freya shook her head before giving a suspicious new look at her stepmother."Why did her mother insist that you represent them? You're not the only competent lawyer in the country, right?"

Carmen narrowed her lips as she avoided her gaze, focusing on the windshield before suddenly slowing the car to a stop as they saw the many police cars parked outside Rebecca's house.

Freya immediately felt her frustration and suspicion being replaced by worry as she hastened to untie herself. She didn't even wait for Carmen's instructions as she pushed the door open before getting out.

She rushed to the entrance just to be suddenly pushed back by one of the police officers guarding the entrance."Where do you think you went?"

"She's with me. "Hailed immediately Carmen as she made her way among the crowd of curious before handing her business card confidently."Carmen Del Luna-Bjørkaas. I am the lawyer for Mrs. Bormujo Ávalos and her daughter."

The policeman raised his eyebrows visibly caught off guard as he took her stepmother's card before giving a look between her and Freya."Do your trainees wear uniforms now?"

"I never said she was my intern. She's my stepdaughter."Carmen immediately replied with a professional expression leaving Freya to raise her eyebrows somewhat impressed by this side of her stepmother's personality."And she's also a friend of the girl whose emotional weakness you're enjoying right now. I advise you to let me see my client if you don't want me to stick a procedural defect to you."

The man in the cap immediately widened his eyes at her threat while Freya tried somehow to hide her smirk. The policeman hastened to raise the banner to open the passage for them before swallowing as Carmen gave him an icy look.

Freya finally left a slight chuckle as she hastened to follow her stepmother before giving her a sidelong, hilarious look."Wow, I didn't know I had a shark as a stepmother."

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