xxv. 44 Lies

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"Look at this!"

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"Look at this!"

Freya frowned as she threw a glare on her brother whirling into her room before raising an eyebrow as he handed her his phone."Look what? What do you want me to watch?"

"Just press play." Luís insisted dryly visibly irritated by the contents of the video.

Freya watched her brother in hesitation before picking up his phone. She looked at the screen as she pressed the arrow icon just to bring her hand to her lips for the content.

She immediately lowered the sound of Nadia and Guzmàn's sexual lovemaking before turning it off instantly as she handed the phone to her brother in indignation."Where did you get this? Did you do that?"

"The hell? Who do you take me for?" Luís immediately defended, annoyed before giving her a nod."In your opinion ? Who could have done that?"

Freya left a disgusted expression as she fell back into her seat in shock."Lucrecia."


Freya was completely wrong about Lucrecia.

In her whole life, she had never been so wrong about a person.

She sincerely thought she knew her, but what she had done ... that had no word to explain how Freya was disappointed.

Even more when she realized that the video had not just been sent to their group of friends.

No, Lucrecia had literally posted the video on the net.

Now the whole planet could attest to Nadia's mistake. Not the mistake of loving but the mistake of being too naive. Freya knew full well that the same thing could have happened to her. The number of times she and Valerio had taken the same risk as Nadia was incalculable.

She shook her head as she closed the door of her locker hugging her books to her chest in exasperation as she watched a group of girls snickering around their phones. She took a deep breath as she continued on her way into the classroom just to pause at the sight of Nadia. The latter seemed prostrate in her seat as she stared at her desk without moving.

Freya swallowed sympathetically before frowning at the sight of a group of idiots pointing at Nadia.

"Hey!" Barked Freya, immediately calling Valerio's guilty glance as she rushed towards the group of boys just to snap the phone with their hand."Erase this fucking video!"

"Damn it ! It was the last Iphone, bitch!"

Freya left a scoff as the idiot hastened to recover his phone in indignation.

"Oh come on, Freya, don't do your booze number." Suddenly commented Lu with her chin up, allowing Freya to turn immediately on her heels, clenching her jaw."We all know it could very well have been you on this video. Except that you would bang my brother of course."

Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE ~ Valerio MontesinosWhere stories live. Discover now