Chapter 6 The Talk

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When I woke up the next morning I jumped a little. I didn't recognize the room I was in, it was much larger and I didn't share it with anyone else. The bed was also very comfortable.

I then remembered the events of last night. I was promoted to a court lady and they gave me this room.

When my tiredness wore of I got dressed and was about to head out when I heard a knock on my door. "Yes, who is it?"

A maid gently opened the door holding a tray of food. "It's you breakfast."

"Oh, thank you. Just set it on the table."

She smiled and set it down, "It's soup, bread, and hot tea."

"Thank you very much, it looks delicious."

She nodded, "Your welcome, but you don't think it's odd."

I took a bite of my bread and shrugged, "What's odd?"

"Court lady's don't get meals made for them but we were given orders from the emperor that you will be receiving three meals a day, and any snack you need."

"That is odd, well if you find out why he did that, tell me."

She nodded, "I will, don't worry."

When she left I continued to eat. Why would he do that for me? I'm just a court lady.

I shrugged and as I finished I slipped out of my room. My room was located in the palace of women. The same place the empress stays. I was almost a little nervous, because of how she acted my first day here.

If it was a normal girl I wouldn't be scared one bit. But she's the empress, she could have me killed if she wanted. Which I'm sure she wants to.

When I got to the main hall most of the court ladies were there, they were all laughing and talking amongst themselves. But when they seen me the smiles fell from their faces and one bravely stood forward and spoke, "What are you doing here?"

I started to get nervous, "I was just walking around-"

"Shut up! No one cares. Just leave please, you're giving me a headache."

As she turned away I started to get annoyed, "Hey! What makes you think you can talk to me like that. We're the same rank, you aren't better than me."

She smirked, "You hear that ladies, she says we're the same."

All the ladies started to chuckle and I was confused. "What's so funny."

She walked forward and got in my face despite being a head shorter than me. "I will never be like you, I'm not some whore!"

Suddenly in a flash of anger I slapped her across the face, "Don't call me that you bitch!"

She gasped and overdramatically fell in the arms of another lady, "She hit me! You all seen it!"

While she continued to yell I stormed out of the palace of women. I quickly went down the stairs to head to the river. I need some fresh air.

-Kang Xi POV-

I had decided it was a good day for a walk and I was quite right. The sun was shining bright in the sky and the flowers were beautiful.

As I walked I remembered last night. I was so much happier that Wang Shu was a court lady. She's too pretty to be working as a maid.

But apparently while I was speaking to Wang Shu the empress tried to come in. Normally I wouldn't care, but apparently she made a scene when she found out Wang Shu was in there with me. She wouldn't try to hurt her, would she?

Empress Wang ShuWhere stories live. Discover now