Chapter 10 The Tea

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-5 Weeks Later-

It's been about five weeks since the emperor said he liked me, and we've been casually hanging out with each other.

He's really fun and nice, but I'm not sure if I really like him.

This morning I woke up and sighed, "Oh god."

I don't feel good, I feel nauseous and a little bloated. Did I eat something funky last night?

When I sat up it just got worse and I ran to the window to throw up. For a moment I just stood there with my head hanging out the window because the fresh air felt good.

I need some hot tea, that'll make me feel better. I'm sure of it.

I quickly got dressed and made my way to the kitchen. Most of the court lady's were there and they were whispering about something.

I did my best to listen in without looking too suspicious.

I heard something about Hayoon and a baby. Ah, she must be pregnant. That's wonderful.

As I left and drank my tea, I did my rounds throughout the palace of women.

When I got to Hayoons room she smiled when I came in, "Wang Shu, did you hear the news?"

I shook my head, "I'm not sure."

"I'm pregnant."

"That's great. I'm so happy for you."

She chuckled, "I wish I could say the same. Like I'm happy about the baby and all, but these symptoms are driving me up the wall."

"Really? What kind of symptoms?"

"Oh, since it's so early on it's just mild, but so far I'm just feeling a little nauseous."

"That sounds awful." But when she said that my heart nearly stopped.

No, surly not. Right. I had just took that potion so it couldn't have taken effect and besides I only slept with Minjun once.

I probably just caught something. I'm not too worried.

When I was finished I decided to go get some fresh air. While walking I seen many people. I seen the emperors mother, Kang Zhang. She smiled to me as she passed.

There were also many court lady's and maids doing their duties.

Suddenly I heard someone call out my name. I didn't see him at first but when I heard his voice, I looked around confused.

When I seen him he was running over to me.

"Hello, Minjun. How are you today?"

He smiled and stretched his arms, "Tired but happy. But what about you? You don't look so good. Are you sick?"

I nodded, "I think so, I was feeling a little nauseous this morning."

"Well make sure to drink plenty of tea, but if it doesn't get better see a doctor."

"I will, I promise."

"Well, if you want to spend some time together, feel free."

I nodded, "Thank you, Minjun."

-Zhao Ren POV-

Well it's confirmed. Hayoon is pregnant.

I've already prepared my plan. I had a maid fetch some hot water while I picked some rosemary from the garden.

I let the rosemary sit in the water until it was completely brewed. I took a sip and smirked, rosemary tea is actually quite healthy but for a pregnant woman it can cause her to lose the baby.

I then told a maid to fetch Hayoon and bring her here for a light lunch.

I only had to wait a few minutes when I seen her walk through my door. The absolute sight of her made me angry, but I forced on a bright smile.

"I would like to congratulate you on the baby."

Hayoon smiled back and sat down in the seat across from me, "Thank you very much, your majesty."

I gritted my teeth as I passed her a small plate with cookies, "Try these, they are absolutely delicious."

Hayoon brought a cookie to her lips and smiled, "It is really good."

I waited until she had ate at least three cookies then asked, "Are you thirsty?"

She nodded, "Yes, your majesty."

I carefully poured a cup of the tea and gave it to her. I almost couldn't keep from laughing as I watched her drink every last bit.

"I do hope you liked the tea, I made it myself."

"Yes, it was very good. Just what I needed."

I then tried to have a casual conversation, "So what have you been doing today?"

"Nothing much, I stayed indoors all morning but I did get to talk to Wang Shu some as she did her rounds."

I didn't really care but to seem nice I kept talking, "That's great that you're making friends, what'd you two talk about."

"Just about the baby, and apparently shes not feeling too good either. She said she was feeling really nauseous."

Suddenly that peaked my interest, I mean she's probably just sick or something. She couldn't be pregnant, she hasn't laid with anyone, has she?

When our conversation died down Hayoon excused herself and when she was out of ear shot I burst out laughing. Just a few more cups of this rosemary tea and that baby will be gone.

-The Next Day-

-Wang Shu POV-

I was suddenly jolted awake by an ear piercing scream. Without changing from my night clothes and and ran into the hall.

The scream was coming from Hayoons room.

Quickly I swung her door open and she was sitting on the edge of the bed with a pool of blood at her feet.

"Oh my god! What's wrong."

She started crying, "I think it's the baby. Get a doctor please!"

I nodded and ran to get one. I was only gone for a couple minutes when I was back with the doctor.

I was nervous so I stood outside and waited. It felt like hours before I heard anything but the doctor came out with a relieved look on his face.

"Is Hayoon and the baby okay?"

He nodded, "Yes, it was just a little scare. I think it was cause by something she ate. Most commonly it's rosemary."

"Rosemary? Interesting. Well thank you very much."

He nodded again and left so I went back inside to check on her.

"How are you feeling?"

She smiled, "Better now, but that was scary."

"I can't even imagine. But the doctor said it might have been caused by something you ate. What have you ate recently."

She hummed in thought, "The only thing I ate yesterday was some cookies and herbal tea with the Empress. I didn't feel good, so I didn't eat anything after that."

"Really?" Why am I not surprised. "Well, from now on may I be your lady in waiting so I can make sure you don't eat anything harmful to you or the baby?"

She smiled and nodded, "Thank you very much. I would appreciate that."

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