Chapter 17 The Trial

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For the past few nights I stayed with the emperor,but last night he told me we were having the trial tomorrow. The empress has no idea what it's about so she has no time to prepare.

But now today was the day. The emperor and I both took deep breaths.

I decided to bring Lalisa with me to the throne room, no maids would be willing to watch her anyway they'll all be busy watching the trial.

When we both got to the throne room the emperor sat down at his throne and he motioned for me to sit by him.

My eyes went wide and I whispered, "I can't sit there. That's for the emperor and empress."

He shook his head, "Zhao Ren isn't going to be the empress for much longer so you don't have anything to worry about."

I nodded and sat beside him.

Moments later the empress walked in, clearly she didn't know what was going on because she gasped and pointed to me. "How dare you sit by the emperor!"

No one said a word, but simply looked at her.

This made her even more angry but before she could get another word out two guards grabbed her and set her in the middle of the floor.

"What's the meaning of this!" She screamed.

Just then the emperor stood up and slowly walked to her, "What can you tell me about Hayoons death?"

She rolled her eyes, "Don't know."

He scoffed, "Why don't you started telling the truth for once in your life."

She started to grow nervous but she didn't back down just yet, "Are you saying I had something to do with this. I'm the empress, I would never do something like that."

He snapped his fingers then suddenly every guard in the palace lined up behind the emperor and the one in front was holding the mold that was taken from Hayoons wound.

The emperor turned to him, "Tell everyone what's in your hand."

He nodded, "Yes, your majesty. This is a mold that the doctor made from one of Hayoons wounds, and the blade markings perfectly match the swords of us imperial guards. So it's proof that she was killed by a guard."

The empress shrugged, "So, what does that have to do with me."

The emperor chuckled and grabbed a chest that was sitting to the side, "In this box is the written confession of every guard here saying that you were the one that hired the guards to kill Hayoon and that you threatened to have them killed if they told your secret."

She gasped but this time she actually did look scared, "I... I can explain."

One of the governor's stood up, "What are we waiting for, execute her!"

Everyone nodded and agreed.

She quickly shook her head, "No, I promise. I'll never do it again. I swear. Just please don't hurt me."

The emperor looked down at her and shook his head, "Death is too good for you, so I will make you suffer instead, but first I need something from you."

He crouched down and lifted the crown from her head, "From this moment forward, you are no longer the empress of China, and you have no title or authority. Guards take her to the prison."

They nodded and smiled as they dragged her out. She screamed and flailed her arms, "You can't do this! I'm the empress!"

When she was out of sight everyone stood up and clapped. Finally she'll never hurt another person, or so we thought.

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