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Michael's POV

I jolt awake by my phone ringing loudly.

After letting it ring for a minute, I growl and hastily grab my phone off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I grumble sleepily.

I feel Alyssa move off my chest, her eyes opening groggily. I smile at her awkwardly and wave. God, I'm so fucking weird.

She smiles back at me and waves. She's so cute with her bedhead and sleepy eyes. Shit, Michael stop it.

"Michael?" Luke barks into the phone. "Michael are you there?"

"Hm?" I mumble, not taking my eyes off Alyssa. "What?"

He sighs loudly, making it clear that he's already done with my shit today. "Did you even hear a word I said?"

"I would say yes, but then I would be lying," I reply. I can feel Luke's glare through the phone.

"Bro," he continues. "Our flight leaves in two hours and so far, no fans have any idea we're going at that time. We need to hurry so we won't be mobbed. You need to be there in 45 minutes. I already talked to Cal and Ash. I stayed with my parents last night."

I nod and yawn loudly. "Mkay," I mutter. "I'll meet you there. Bye, Luke."

I roll over and groan into my pillow. I'm already exhausted enough, do I really need to add jetlag to that?

"No, you don't," Alyssa says with a laugh. "But you're going to because it's your job, and I know you love it. You love your fans more than anything."

I raise my head up to look at her. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes," she laughs. "You're super tired, aren't you?"

I nod slowly and drag myself out of bed. I feel a cool breeze and realize that I'm still naked, but I shrug and walk toward the bathroom.

 "Gotta be clean," I mutter as I walk by Alyssa.

I don't notice that she's followed me until I see a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Don't look at me like that, Clifford," she says as she turns on some music. "We're just saving water this way, and it won't be as suspicious if anyone else is in the house. You know, they'll only hear running water once."

I shrug and step into the shower, turning it on. She follows me in and scoots past me to get under the water. Her hair becomes matted against her forehead, making her skin look so much lighter.

"Excuse yourself," I say with a laugh. "I'm the one that has to leave soon."

"But," she replies. "I have more hair than you."

I roll my head as she chuckles quietly and massages shampoo into her hair. She switches me places, and I do the same.

As she's rinsing her hair, a familiar tune comes on.

"You bought our album?" I ask her with a smile.

She smirks. "Of course I did! I love it!"

We sing along to Everything I Didn't Say together as we continue to shower. I'm surprised that neither of us have tried to make a move. Usually, we can't keep our hands off each other for this long.

When we get to my solo, she stops singing to let me do it. I step closer to her as I sing.

Someday, I'm sure

We'll pass each other by...

I don't know why, but I think of her when I hear that. Maybe it's because I completely ran into her at a damn grocery store one day. The chances of that happening were so slim. Yet, it did. Damn, fate was a weird thing.

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