The First Time?

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Alyssa's POV

Walking out of the boys' house, Calum and I walk to the car hand-in-hand. Before I can grab the door, he opens it for me.

"Enter," he muses in his best impression of a butler.

"Why thank you, dear," I reply, playing along. He laughs before he shuts the door and runs to the driver's side.

When we pull out of the driveway, I can feel my excitement for the night growing.

"So," Calum asks. "How did you like my mum?"

As I think of Joy Hood, I can't help but smile. "She's amazing. I really like her."

"That's great," he says as he grabs my hand, leaving the other on the steering wheel. "If you like her, you'll love my sister and dad, too. I can't wait for you to meet them."

Something in my stomach twists, but I ignore it. "Me too, baby."

The rest of the trip to the restaurant is silent. Our silence isn't awkward, but it's still something that doesn't happen often in our relationship. Maybe he's just nervous about tonight; I know I am.

I haven't been intimate with anyone that I was dating since James. He's the only one.

Well, there's Michael, but we weren't together. That doesn't count, right?

As he pulls into the parking lot to the Italian restaurant, he turns to me and takes both of my hands one of his strong ones.

"Listen," he says to me. "I'm really glad that this happened. As nervous as I am about tonight, this means that we're making a committment to each other. I know that I'm not James, but I'm gonna try my hardest to be as good, perhaps better, than him. I wanna be with you for a while, Alyssa. I hope you feel the same way."

Butterflies flutter in my stomach, sending electricity through my whole body. I feel the smile form on my face.

"I do, Cal. I truly do."

He grins widely, leaning over to kiss me. After a long, passionate kiss, he pulls away.

"We shouldn't go any farther, or our first time might be in the backseat of my car," he says with surprising authority. I can't help but want to test whether that would happen or not.

I laugh and peck his lips. "Let's go, Loverboy."

"Wait, stay there!" he calls out as he gets out of the car. Quickly, he runs to my door and opens it, gesturing for me to get out.

"You're so cute when you're nervous," I muse with a giggle as I kiss his cheek. His face turns pink at my touch.

As we walk toward the restaurant, I see a bright flash. I turn to my right to see a paparazzo with a camera in his hands.

Cal and I glance at each other, and he starts to walk over to the guy.

"Hi, sir?" he asks when he approaches the man.

The paparazzo's eyebrows go up. "Why hello, Calum Hood. Out with the girlfriend, I suppose?"

My cheeks burn as I'm mentioned. "Yes, that would be me."

"We would just appreciate it if no one saw us here tonight," Calum says as he wraps an arm around my waist. "All we want is privacy. Could you give us that for the night and make sure that none of your mates see us?"

Reluctantly, he nods. "Since you've been so kind, I guess I will. But, I'm still going to publish this picture."

Calum shrugs. "That's alright. Thanks for the help."

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