~ Chapter - 36 ~

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Amira was in her room finding herself in thoughts and how Kiaan was in her office begging her to agree for fake marriage and as she needs some time to stay at Amna Mansion for few more days as she has few more things to wrap up before she goes back to her life which has built from the foundation and there is someone who is waiting for her there at California. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Meher knocked on her door.

"Bhabhi, Someone is at door waiting for you with a parcel," Meher called out and the Bhabhi word was taken with so much contempt, hate and disgust which Amira ignored completely as she doesn't care about what Khuranas and Kapoor's think about her anymore as she stopped living for others opinions or care a long time back.

"I'm coming, you can go Meher," Amira said and walked out taking her phone and clutch with her as after that she needs to visit Office for a meeting and when she came down she saw courier boy who is waiting.

"I'm Amira, how can I help you?" Amira asked and the boy handled her a CD which confused her.

"Mam, we were ordered to hand over you this files and CD on your birthday next month but we are closing our firm Mam, so I'm here to deliver your Parcel, it is sent Mr Siddharth Malhotra and Mrs Myra Malhotra," The boy said and listening to their names Amira was frozen in her spot due to pain, love and anger.

"Thank you," Amira said signing the parcel and took it from him and walked towards mini theatre room with a blank expression on her face and once she reached her room she closed the door and but not locked it and walked towards home theatre playing it and a once the video and audio started playing she couldn't stop her self from grasping in mental pain and anguish.

We can see a garden filled with every type of roses while there was a swing in the middle of the garden while a slow breeze was everywhere filled with the fragrance of roses making atmosphere serene, beautiful and peaceful. There on Swing was Siddarth and Myra who was six months pregnant.

"Ami, the day you will get this Parcel maybe we will not be alive leaving you with our last sign or maybe not but remember to see this video until the end without offing it before itself," Myra said.

"Ami, today we are going to talk and you will listen because we will be no more with you to interrupt us or to run away from facing the reality like you always do when it comes to past, so now I want you to make yourself strong enough to face everything, first your Bhabhi will talk to you," Siddarth said looking straight at camera but Amira can feel like he is looking at her in the eye and she was just numb seeing them after a long time that too alive even though it is just in Video.

"Amira, I was jealous of you when for first time your Bhai talked to me about but at that time I didn't knew that he considered you as his sister and I almost slapped him in anger of him ignoring me and that was your suggestions because of same decision I realised my love and how important he was in my life, if not for you we both would have lost each other, the first time I met you was in park when Azaan and I came there to meet you on your insistence bro meet us because we both were close to your brother and my husband Siddarth and I instantly felt the protective vibes raising in me the same way Siddarth felt for first time and I promised myself that I will protect you always no matter what and with time you vanished for six months and when you came back all we can see was a shell of person who once was but you didn't let us or anyone else know how broken you were or how addicted you were to drugs which was nothing but a slow journey to death, when you said you want to be away from Kolkata and India at first I was not ready to be away from you but then I saw how broken you are and Siddarth and myself found on same path, sent you to Cali and when we found in haze and drug filled state, for once we both lost our heartbeat seeing you like that and then I found determination in you to get better for us and I felt happy relieved that we will not loose you but then your heart condition was revealed leaving us helpless and in pain of knowing that one day we are going to loose you if we don't find a suitable heart and then Azaan's death, your transplantation everything happened so fast that we were unable to comprehend what has happened then you asked us to take you to the marriage of Kiaan who never loved you and hated you for the thing you never committed and you brother like always gave into your wishes, Amira that was not love where there were conditions, I want you to move on from him completely. I'm not saying that it will be easy but you ought to try for the sake of yourself and us," Myra said softly yet sternly which made her smile sadly.

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