~Chatpter - 54~

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They had dinner and walked towards the road for a walk once they changed the dressed while others were busy planning other rituals and functions according to everyone's convenience. They stopped at an ice-cream parlour and Amira was busy buying them while Yuvaraj was on another side of the road and when Amira turned towards him to show what she brought she dropped the ice-cream in the shock and fear as she saw a speeding car approaching towards Yuvaraj.

"Yuvaraj" Amira shouted in fear and he looked towards her hearing fear in her voice only to see her running towards him and he was confused and before he can understand what is happening she pulled him aside and both of them fell on the side path of the road and in the process, Amira hurt her elbow.

"Amira/Yuvaraj you are fine right?" They asked in unison only to receive a tight slap from Amira who was breathing fire through her nose in anger while he looked at her in anger.

"Have you gone mad!!! Who in the hell will stand in the middle of a road and see their cellphone, what if something happened to you? Did you think about family, about me? What will happen to me if I lost you too?" Amira shouted and He sighed knowing from where are fears are coming and how shaken she is due to this incident, he took slow steps towards her and pulled her softly towards him and hugged her tightly.

"I'm fine Jaan, nothing happened to me and I know until you are in my life nothing will happen to me because you are a lucky charm in my life and I promise you that I'm not going to leave you anytime soon enough, I want to spend next seventy years of my life with you so you can be assured that Yuvaraj Mittal is a part of your present as well as future," Yuvaraj said and Amira tightened her hold on him.

"I know you will be with me from now onwards but I... I ... I was just shocked seeing the car approaching you and the fear of something happening to you made me shout and slap you, I'm sorry," Amira said looking at him from his embrace and he smiled at her softly.

"I understood that Jaan and I promise I will take care of myself even more from now onwards and I'm sorry too," Yuvaraj said and she looked at him with confusion.

"Why are you Sorry? I was the one who slapped you in my anger and fear of losing you," Amira questioned him with a frown on her face.

"I'm sorry because you didn't have a chance to say your opinion on our marriage, you get an opportunity to deny or accept me as your life partner, I mean we know that we like each other and yesterday night I said I love you but that doesn't mean our families will decide on behalf of you and I wanted to know your opinion before our engagement itself but didn't get a chance to do so, on that note, I want to ask you, Are you ready to get married to me, to become my companion and life partner for next seven lives?" Yuvaraj questioned her and Amira looked at him with admiration and love in her eyes.

"You need not be sorry Yuvaraj because I knew the minute you entered my life for a second time that you are going to be someone who will be with me till last moment of my life and this proved that and as for our marriage, I don't regret marrying you because my mind and heart both knows that someday this was going to happen and the moment came even before I can expect but I'm telling you the truth, I'm happy that I'm going to be your wife, life partner and companion for your next seven lives, so you should not feel guilty," Amira said and Yuvaraj looked relieved and smiled at her.

"I want to know why you want to marry me, why you are okay with me being your husband? I know you like me but we won't marry every person we like, so what is it that is making you marry me?" Yuvaraj asked while he was internally excited to listen to those three words from her while she looked at him with wide eyes with panic in them because even now she couldn't express her love.

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