~ Chapter - 51~

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The sky is filled with stars and they are twinkling as moonlight is falling on them making them shine more and Moon was busy looking beautiful shadowed by its light making the sky look beautiful, the open space near the beach was covered on four sides and in middle was a ramp for the models to walk while on either side ere seats for the audiences, guests, VIP's and other persons and in front of the ramp was the seats for judges who are going to decide the who is the winner of the fashion show of the year.

The air was cool and calm, the sea smell was wafting through the air, while the beach was full of activity as today the Event was held there, children were running here and there, while elders were enjoying the sea air which was refreshing the minds that work throughout the week, people started to come and occupy their seats and after 45 mins, the event started.

A woman entered wearing a long evening gown, looking beautiful and sophisticated, walked onto the stage in the centre with a smile while her walk was filled with grace and elegance.

"Good Evening Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm Caroline Masen, Speaker of the Evening, from Los Angels," The lady announced and the area resonated with the sound of clapping, "I'm here on behalf of Passionate Style, to welcome you to this lovely and glamoured evening, here at El Matador State Beach at Malibu. As you all know Passionate is a fashion house which is all about Lifestyle, Trend and Fashion. This year they decided to highlight and put the focus on India and France Fashion Wear," Caroline said and once again we can hear loud resonating sounds of claps and cheers from the audience which made her laugh, as they all were at the edge of their chairs to see who is going to fashioning the models this year. "Tonight, you will be experiencing four glamours and mesmerizing shows by four very talented and prominent designers Ms Amira Khurana, Mr Yuvaraj Mittal, Mr Alton Grey and of course Our guest of honour and designer Mr Sebastian Lopez-" Caroline was going to continue but the crowd went wild listening that Sebastian is one then designer who is going to showcase his designs in a fashion show this week" and it is a great pleasure to have Mr Sebastian here tonight to showcase his wonderful designs. So have your meal and I will be here shortly to introduce our first Fashion Show," Caroline said and walked to back of the stage where the vanity rooms were present for the use of participants and their staff along with their bosses.

Meanwhile, Amira was busy running around looking after last-minute changes while she was getting ready herself but her mind was on edge as they are going to execute their plan completely tonight to destroy Alton Grey. Just then she heard a knock on her door and she gave permission to come into the person only to smile as that person is Yuvaraj.

"Yuvaraj," Amira called and he can hear the relief in her voice which made him walk towards her and take her in his arms and Amira was shocked too because this is the first time in many years she showed her vulnerability and fear in front of someone else.

"Amira, I'm with you don't worry, we will not let happen anything to anyone and as we promised each other, we will teach him a lesson which he will not forget in this lifetime," Yuvaraj said and Amira looked at him and before she can reply they heard a knock on the door and they looked at each other.

Alton Gray loved only two things in his life that was power that comes with money and he will do anything to gain that power be that legal or illegal and second the most important the love of his life his wife Alia Gray-Mittal, who is no more in this world because she wanted to bring the symbol of their love to this world and when the baby came into this world he lost his wife and now he hates his daughter to the very core of his heart and he avoids her like a plague and now he has only one goal that is to control California and he will do anything to achieve this, the beast within him was caged all these years by the love he got from his wife and now that she is no more, it is craving for power and blood, but everytime his brother-in-law and one of his childhood friends Yuvaraj Mittal always comes in between and snatches the things he desire for and today is one such thing too, he always wanted to be ambassador of the fashion industry but if that women Amira and Yuvaraj are on the field then others can lick the dust that is the reason, he planned everything and kidnapped Mittals family and now he planned to blackmail Yuvaraj putting forth a condition that if he wants his family back unharmed then he needs to withdraw from the show and he came to know from his inside source said that Yuvaraj is going to with draw as his family is not yet found and he felt relief that there is no need for him plan anything anymore to stop him from participating.

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