~ Chapter - 53 ~

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Abhishek, Arnav, and Khushi were in the informal dining hall sipping their Coffee while Anjali was in the open kitchen cutting vegetables for dinner but all their minds were on what they saw yesterday night between Amira and Yuvaraj, how Yuvaraj could calm down their Amira with just a mere touch or few something words and her anger and coldness vaporized away in a matter of seconds, they know what Amira is feeling towards him is Love but she isn't ready to accept that and that was because of her past and suppressing her emotions from a long time.

"Khushi, I don't think Yuvaraj is correct for our daughter and I'm not ready to let her go this early, " Arnav said progressively and Khushi shook her head.

"Arnav, I and you both know that Yuvaraj is the One for our daughter and you accepted it but you don't want her to go so you are denying it also you have accepted Yuvaraj as your son-in-law, that is the reason you kept silent even when you saw them kissing, " Khushi said sternly.

"Ewww, I didn't need to be reminded of my daughter kissing or being kissed Khushi, it is gross and you are right I accepted him but that doesn't mean we have to let her go now itself we got her back just now, " Arnav said and Khushi and Abhishek smiled sadly.

"I know that Arnav and we deserve it when we should have been with her, we didn't and now we can't expect her to accept us back in her life with open arms," Khushi said.

"We know Mom, but still letting her go then was not easy and not now, it will never be because she is someone without whom our lives can never be complete, " Abhishek said and Anjali walked out of the kitchen.

"Abhi, you are right and we all agree with that, even though I was part of her or better she was a small part of my life I still felt like I have known her for her ages and now I'm not ready to let her go to her in-law's house once she gets married, " Anjali said and Khushi smiled at her daughter-in-law.

"She is right Prince and as her parents and brother we have the responsibility to make her understand the feelings she has towards Yuvaraj is Love," Khushi said.

"It is not easy Son, because she is not yet ready to express her feelings and suppressed emotions to anyone else and we will have a hard time in doing so not other emotions but at least the feelings she has for him, we did not do much for her in the past but as her parents and brother we can do this much maybe then at least part of our mistakes may be rectified, " Arnav said and Abhishek along with Khushi nodded their heads.

"You are right Dad, I have seen the way she behaves around him, how possessive she is of him when he allows another girl other than his mother and sister in his proximity, I can see the love in her eyes for him, I will help her realize that emotion, " Abhishek said.

"We will help her Abhi and I think that is tonight itself, from the morning she is restless, didn't have anything properly and from evening she roaming around the terrace agitatedly, first you go to her, then we will come," Anjali said and both Arnav and Khushi agreed on that while Abhishek took a deep breath, nodding his head and walked towards terrace only to see his Sister pacing furiously as his wife said.

I Love You, are the only words roaming in her mind from the time she heard those words from Yuvaraj and she is feeling restless, annoyance and something else which is making her agitated and now here she is pacing on their terrace like a caged lioness, once the show was completed Yuvaraj was so eager to leave the place as he wanted to spend time Shira, that he didn't even look back for once which angered and she just came back, ordering Evelyn and Anshuman to handle it, she didn't even have dinner as her mind was occupied with his thoughts while her heart was feeling restless with the mere thought of him being with any other girl than her in an intimate moment. And she didn't expect him to visit her at night, her opening up to him about her past nor he making her understand that it is not her fault, him making her see the point of view of her parents and brother neither his sudden love confession which is confusing her, even more, She was pulled out her monologue when she heard her brother's voice.

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