Your head on my shoulder

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Days were going smoothly,Galib was dropping Anaya everyday and even picking her up.

"What?You are going for a project and leaving me here alone!" "Anaya!I'm just going for 2days!" "Only!How can 2 days be only?" "Don't behave like a child!" "I won't live here alone.I'll go with you",told Anaya stubbornly.
"Anaya!You were sick just few days ago,you won't be able to handle this journey now.So don't argue now.Besides you won't be alone Anaya!Rahim uncle and Mina aunty will be here with you!" "All-time you just say this!Rahim uncle and Mina aunty will be here,they'll be with you! I wanna go!I don't know anything else!",saying this Anaya left the room angrily and went to the balcony.
"This girl!Oh man!",Galib thought with irritated expression.

Anaya was standing with a stubborn and angry look.
"Okay fine!You can come with me!(when he saw that Anaya was still standing with same look,he made a confused look and told)Now what!This is what you wanted!" "Why didn't you agree earlier?" "Now I've agreed right?Come now!" "No,my mood is off.I won't go now" "Okay",saying this Galib was also standing beside Anaya.
After some time.....
"Why are you standing here?" "Why?Can't I stand here?",Galib asked in a mocked tone."I don't know.Anyways,I'm going for sleep.Come" "The strangest person I've ever meet!",thought Galib.

"Galib!We'll go on Friday" "Why?We're going on Saturday" "No ways,tell me why I'm coming with you?" "Because you didn't wanted to be alone though you won't be alone actually I didn't understand your reason" "Because I want to explore that place.You know what one of my friend used to live there and she has told me that it's a perfect place for exploring" "Anaya!I'm going for a project,remember?" "Yeah,your meeting will be on Sunday.We'll go on Friday,we'll move around here and there on Friday and Saturday.On Sunday when your meeting will be over,we'll move around again and then on Monday we'll return.Simple",smiled Anaya. "What about your chamber by the way?" "You can't even remember anything Galib!I don't go to chamber on Sunday and Monday.For Saturday,in this week this is a Government holiday" "And what about my office on Monday?" "You'll take a leave" "For you I've already taken so many" "Not so many,don't lie.Only for 2days and one day you just came early.And and Mohammad Galib Khan,let me tell you we've not even gone for honeymoon so you have to manage a holiday.I don't know how you'll do it.Goodnight" "Oh man!How can someone turn official trip to a honeymoon!",Galib thought in a confused face.

On Friday.....
"Rahim uncle,Mina aunty I know you'll take care of everything.And now we're leaving",told Galib and Anaya smiled at them.

They came at the airport as they would be traveling by plane.

Finally they had taken their seats.

"You know what Galib!I hate flying,at the time of 'take off' my head starts becoming heavy" "Anaya!As your head is feeling heavy,you should stop your mouth and give your mouth,your head a rest",hearing this Anaya made a sad face and closed her eyes.
Anaya was sleeping and Galib was checking the slides of the project,he was finally done and then he also closed his eyes.
Anaya's head was falling on Galib's shoulder and everytime he was bringing her head in right position but after some time again her head was on his shoulder and at last he let that to be like that and fell asleep.

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