Will punch him in the face

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Anaya was in her chamber checking up her patients,as that day was 30 years anniversary of their hospital so there was also a free public health campaign,every doctors had to maintain both their chambers and the campaign,basically the younger doctors' activities were seen the most,as they were the most excited ones.

"Anaya!30 years!You know what when I start to think about this I start thinking this hospital is older than me",laughed Ruhan,Anaya's friend.
"Yeah!This is what I was thinking",saying this both of them gave high five.

Ruhan,a young cardiologist who was a very dear friend of Anaya.Both of them studied in the same medical college,even Ruhan was also in the same school where both Anaya and Galib studied too.

"This campaign is too good,I think every year this should be held" "Same thought yaar Anaya".Both Ruhan and Anaya were coming out of the hospital and there Galib was waiting for Anaya,when he saw her,he got down from the car and went towards her.
"Anaya why did you told me to come late!" "Offo Galib!I'd told you about the campaign yaar" "Hey Galib!How are you yaar!After so many years!!",Ruhan told excitedly towards Galib,where Anaya smiled but Galib showed no emotion,he just formally did the handshake."Yeah,after a long time.I'm fine,how are you!" "Cool cool!" "Anaya you never told me that Ruhan is here too?And Ruhan I hope you know about our marriage!",Galib told bitterly but neither Ruhan nor Anaya noticed that.
"Yeah yeah!I've heard,I couldn't come to your wedding,so sorry,I was out of town at that time" "Okay,no matter.I think we should leave now",saying this Galib hold Anaya's wrist and dragged her towards the car,where Anaya was busy in bidding goodbye to Ruhan.

Galib was driving in an angry mood.
"Why didn't you tell me that Ruhan is also here?" "I thought you already knew,I mean you didn't have any contact with him?" "No!I don't have any contact with anyone for a long time!" "Why are you in an angry mood mister?" "Listen Anaya!I'm not in the mood to gossip with you right now!Don't even understand why you are blabbering" "Okay okay don't shout!",saying this Anaya became silent but she was totally confused about Galib's behavior.
"He is like,he is having mood swings",thinking this Anaya looked at Galib by the corner of her eyes but Galib looked at her at that very time so she immediately turned her head towards the car window.

"Ruhan!He was having a very good time with Anaya,right?I feel like giving him a punch in his face",thought Galib with an angry look.

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