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Jessamine walked up to the gargoyle and stood there, feeling a bit lost. 
She didn't know the password, but Dumbledore must have known that. Was she supposed to wait until the gargoyle let her pass?

The stone creature stared past her, its eyes blank.

After several minutes ticked by, Esma started picking at the letter in her hand, and Jessamine reopened it, staring at the last sentence.

She grimaced.
Wouldn't that be a weird password?, she thought confused.

Then Jessamine sighed.
I don't really have another option, do I?

Turning to the gargoyle, she said: "Strawberry shortcake."

The gargoyle jumped to the side with a loud rumbling sound, letting Jessamine enter the steps behind it. When she arrived at the door at the top, she heard Professor Dumbledore's voice say: "Come in", before she even knocked.

Jessamine hesitated before she pushed the door open.

Inside, there were five people waiting.
Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and two other men Jessamine did not recognize were sitting while Professor Snape stood in the corner, his arms crossed and his typical sneer on his face.

Jessamine stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do, until Professor Dumbledore gestured to a chair next to Professor McGonagall.

"Sherbet Lemon?", Professor Dumbledore offered and Jessamine gratefully took one.

It was disgustingly sweet, she discovered and grimaced at the sticky taste in her mouth.
Ew, I'm never eating this again.

"Now", Professor Dumbledore said, folding his hands and setting them down on his desk, "these two men are Cornelius Fudge, our minister, and Auror Kingsley Shackelbolt.
They would like to ask you a few questions regarding yesterday's events."

He smiled at her warmly.

"Miss Lince", Mr. Fudge started. "Could you give us a detailed account of what happened last night?"

Jessamine threw a confused look to Dumbledore.
Hadn't he told them?

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger as well as Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell have described the events from their side", Professor Dumbledore explained patiently.

"However", Mr. Fudge interrupted, "It would be very interesting to hear your side, Miss Lince."
He shot her a suspicious look.

Esma peeped encouragingly into Jessamine's ear and the girl took a steadying breath. She started by telling how she had followed Harry and Ron to the troll, then described how Hermione had been trapped under the sink and said finally, that she had told the troll put Harry back down.

Mr. Fudge's round face showed that he had difficulties with that last part.
"How exactly did you get the troll calm down, Mr. Lince?"
His tone was sounding slightly irritated.

"I asked", Jessamine said.

Mr. Fudge harrumphed.
"You asked a troll? It is not even sure they can understand our language, Miss Lince!"
He continued his snort-laughing.

Jessamine saw Professor Snape roll his eyes irritatedly.

Mr. Shacklebolt kept silent, yet he seemed uncomfortable of his minister's behavior.

After a few seconds, Mr. Fudge calmed down again and said chuckling: "Now, child, I need to know the truth of what happened yesterday. Mountain trolls are hard to control and what you did yesterday would be a tremendous help for the ministry. How did you lure the troll outside?"

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now