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"Professor Lupin!", Hermione greeted the werewolf when he stepped into the kitchen

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"Professor Lupin!", Hermione greeted the werewolf when he stepped into the kitchen.
"We thought you would arrive later with Professor Dumbledore."

"No, I had to keep an eye on Sirius on the way here", said Professor Lupin lightly.

"You'll never guess who we brought with us", Sirius said, sitting down at the long table next to Tonks and grabbing one of Mrs. Weasley's croissants.

"Wait-", said Fred, thinking hard, "Me thinks-"

"You mean, us thinks", George interrupted him.

"Yeah, straight on, bro. So, it's...some Order member?"

Hermione snorted into her breakfast bowl.
"Who would have thought."

"Probably some old dude who can't hold his wand properly", guessed Ron, eating another spoon of porridge.

"Not quite", said Professor Lupin quietly, pushing the door a little further open.

Hermione looked curiously at the door, leaning over Sirius to grab herself a croissant. Ron was more interested in his breakfast and the twins were discussing how old Order members could be before they had to retire. 

Outside, Mioha stood nervously, fidgeting with her fingers. When she heard Professor Lupin say "Mioha?", she entered nervously, holding her breath.

Several things happened.

Hermione dropped her croissant into Ron's porridge in surprise.

Ron turned around angrily to see whose fault it was that Hermione had splattered his breakfast everywhere, and spat out the porridge in his mouth when his eyes fell on Mioha.
"MERLIN'S BALLS!", he exclaimed, pointing his spoon at Mioha.

"Ron!", Mrs. Weasley scolded him, "language!"

George and Fred both looked at the kitchen door, and their eyes widened.

"What are you supposed to be?", wondered Fred puzzled.

"Did you ask Ron to make a Polyjuice Potion, and then you drank it?", asked George.

Hermione remained silent, but Mioha could basically see the wheels turning in the Gryffindor's head. It was very quiet in the kitchen as the four Gryffindors eyed Mioha confused, not really understanding her outfit.

"Hey guys", the Slytherin said anxiously, having troubles to start her explanation. Feeling the curious eyes of her friends on her, she pulled her wings closer to herself.

"Okay, stop the secrecy, Jess", said Fred with a grin. "How did you manage to sprout wings on your back? That is some awesome trick."

"They were always there", Mioha replied quietly.

That wasn't the answer the redhead expected.

"What is going on?", asked Ron confused, not bothering to notice his porridge dripping down the table.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now