End of the year

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Hermione's world broke down, when Professor Dumbledore announced one evening at dinner, that the final exams were cancelled. The Great Hall broke out in cheers and Jessamine grinned as she watched Ginny comfort Hermione awkwardly.

„I already studied!", Hermione sniffled disappointedly and drowned her sorrows in chocolate pie.

Jessamine shot Hermione a sympathetic look, although she was glad that she wouldn't have too much pressure without the exams.

She herself was having a better time than ever.

Due to Colin telling everybody what had happened, which Jessamine found a bit nerve-wrecking after a while since every time Colin told the story he made it more dramatic, most of the Slytherins had a new-found respect for her and left her alone.

Draco Malfoy was the exception.

He had quite quickly gotten over the fact that she had saved his life, and went back with some other second-years to bullying her as much as he could, although he didn't get much support from his older housemates.

Colin Creevey's parents had sent letters to Jessamine and thanked her exuberantly, which only made Jessamine wish that all the attention she was getting would go back to Harry.

But her best surprise arrived in form of white-and-brown speckled feathers, soaring into the Great Hall and landing right into Jessamine's salad.

Sisi had returned to Scotland, after taking a long detour across Europe.

Jessamine felt overjoyed as she petted the osprey, and Esma offered the eagle a small piece of bacon as a welcome-home gift.
Sisi stayed for a moment, enjoying the attention she was getting from Erica and the other students, before she shot a cheeky glance at Professor Snape. He was scowling at the osprey.

„Better take off now, I'll see you outside", Jessamine whispered with a laugh in her voice.

Before Professor Snape could say anything about the eagle, Sisi took off, a large piece of chicken in her talons, and glided out of the Great Hall.

Harry shot her an amused look from the Gryffindor table, to which Jessamine replied with a grin.

The rest of the year passed quickly,
Professor Lockhart was still teaching, until someone discovered that none of his stories were true. He had stolen them from people, and then made them forget about everything. The Amnesia spell seemed to be the only spell he could perform properly.

Professor Lockhart was fired on the spot, and since no replacement had been found, the students were told to keep studying with the book.

Which, of course, no one did.

Except for Hermione.

Jessamine kept helping Madam Pomfrey as well as Hagrid, which she enjoyed very much.

Often, Mrs. Norris would show up and let Jessamine pet her, and when the Slytherin brought the cat back to its owner, Mr. Filch would sometimes start a conversation with her.

It depends how one would define conversation, though.

I have the happiest life I could ever want, Jessamine thought one evening to herself, as she lay in bed and snuggled into her covers.

Staff meeting
The headmaster and the staff were discussing the events of the year, and how Hogwarts' protections could be reinforced.

Soon, the topic went to Harry Potter, the Parselmouth.

"I know that some of you are worried", Professor Dumbledore said calmly and gazed at his collegues, "but I can assure you that Harry merely possesses this ability due to Voldemort transferring some of his powers to the boy as a baby."

Some teachers flinched at the word 'Voldemort'.

"And what about Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley?", asked Professor Sprout worriedly.
"Won't they be affected by the dangers that will come towards Mr. Potter?"

Professor Dumbledore nodded affirmatively.
"Harry needs his friends, in the future more than ever", the older wizard replied.

"Ms. Granger obviously has the only brains of the trio", Professor Snape drawled.

Professor McGonagall shot him a glare, not sure whether that was an insult or a compliment.

"We need to keep an eye on Ms. Lince", Professor Flitwick added in a squeaky voice.
„Something is off about her", Professor Vector said thoughtfully, „she uses magic most adults could only dream of, tames a troll and seems to get along with other, usually hostile creatures just fine."

„Aye", Hagrid grumbled into his beard, „Ya shoulda seen her with the unicorns. They acted like she was part of the herd."

„Don't forget her waking up the petrified", Professor McGonagall added, „no one has ever done that before, as long as I can remember."

Silence rested in the room, as the colleagues looked at their headmaster.

Professor Dumbledore was gazing into the air, his light blue eyes indicating that he was far away with his thoughts.

„I think", he broke the silence after a few minutes, „that the best thing we can do is wait, and see."
„You have a suspicion, don't you Albus?", Professor McGonagall asked bluntly and looked at him sharply.

The old wizard nodded.

„Indeed, I do", he confirmed, „but it might be too early to say anything..."

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