The next morning

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Mioha's eyes snapped open as the warm darkness of sleep faded.
She found herself in a brightly lit room, the sunlight streaming in through the clean windows.

She was in the Hospital Wing again.

I could get my own permanent bed here, Mioha thought tiredly and slowly pushed herself up into a seating position.

She had a bad head ache, a dull pain was thudding behind her forehead, impeding her thinking.

Rubbing over her eyes, Mioha tried to recall last night's events.
She had left the Great Hall because of being angry at Ron, then had wanted to return after a while to the dance.
But...after that, everything was black. She couldn't even remember entering the castle.

What happened?, Mioha asked herself, feeling very confused, and swung her legs over her bed.
This movement caused her to look down, and she noticed her dress had been replaced with a Hospital gown.

Her hand flew up to her ears.
Her earrings were gone too.

Had she gotten drunk?
Mioha shook her head.
She had noticed that someone had spiked the punch at the buffet after dinner and had had the foresight to stay away from it.
Unlike Lavender Brown, who had ended up dancing wildly on the dance floor and trying to hug everyone.

Mioha grimaced as the pain in her head sharpened to a jabbing prickling.

Thinking seemed to make it worse.

The Slytherin felt very groggy, but she knew she wouldn't be able to sit around and wait until she got some answers.

She pushed herself off the bed into a standing position and slowly swayed over to the door that led to Madam Pomfrey's office.

Walking was not very difficult, she just had to support herself on the railings of the hospital beds every few meters.

And the blood returning to her brain seemed to lessen the pain, for Mioha stopped swaying after a few meters and managed to walk the rest of the way a little more straightly.

Reaching the wooden door, Mioha placed a hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it with a squeak.
She opened the door and looked inside into the bright office .

Madam Pomfrey was sitting at her desk, going over documents while muttering under her breath.

Did that witch ever sleep?

She looked extremely pale, like always, but other than that seemed to be bustling with energy.
The matron looked up at the squeak of the door.

"Oh!", she exclaimed upon finding Mioha standing in the doorway.

"Ms. Mioha! You should still be sleeping."

The matron stood up and rushed over, waving her wand into Mioha's face as she casted diagnostic spells.

"But that is not surprising, considering...", the witch muttered, not finishing her sentence.

"Considering what?", asked Mioha curiously.

Madam Pomfrey sighed.

"Every time I gave you a dreamless sleep potion the last few years, you would wake up hours before you were supposed to.
My hypothesis is that your Silverwing side is protecting you, by preventing you from sleeping too long."

That made sense.

Mioha had always been an early riser, except on days when she was sick or extremely tired.

"Now", the matron clapped her hands and tucked her wand away, before ushering Mioha back into the Hospital Wing.

"I can see you are perfectly fine, except for a headache, which should fade in a few hours.
However, there is the question of what happened last night."

Hidden Wings - Part IΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα