The next morning

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Mioha felt better.
Way better than before.

Her back pain had completely disappeared, as if Professor Lupin had never teared her skin into shreds.

Mioha breathed in deeply, snuggling deeper into the warm covers, until she realized that she was in her human form.

In a bed.

She tried moving her hands.

Mhm. Good.

No pain.

Feet felt fine too.

Mioha slowly opened her eyes, recognizing the room as the small room next to the Hospital Wing, where she had been before.

It was morning, the sun shone warmly into the room, the sun rays touching her face gingerly.

Moving into an upright position, Mioha found herself, once again, alone.
Her wings were not shielded, and hung down at the sides of the bed, left and right.

Clearing her throat, she called out: "Hello?"


That at least gave her the opportunity to think.

She couldn't remember much of the night of the full moon, the memories were all blurred together.

Professor Lupin had turned into a wild werewolf...a black dog had helped her...somebody had healed her back.

Then nothing.
Mioha groaned.
What had her friends been doing out there anyway? Buckbeak's execution had happened hours before.
She would have to ask them in person.

Swinging her legs over the side of her bed, Mioha stood up.

Surprisingly, she felt perfectly fine.
No swaying, no dizziness, no pain whatsoever.

Mioha grinned.

She took a step forward, letting go of the railing at the head of her bed.

She waited for a second.

"Yes!", Mioha mumbled to herself when she still felt fine, and started walking to the door.

She was, once again, wearing a hospital gown, but she didn't care.

She needed to go outside and check on her friends.

Mioha put her her hand on the doorknob and turned it slightly, hesitating for a moment to see if a furious Madam Pomfrey came shooting into the room.


Her hand still on the doorknob, Mioha cast her shield over wings, hiding them properly.
Pulling herself together, she pulled the door open and peeked into the hallway.
Although it was flooded with sunlight, it was completely empty.

Not a soul to be seen.

Mioha breathed in relief and shut the door behind her, about to walk to the Hospital Wing when-

"Where do you think you are going?"

Mioha stiffened.
Slowly turning around, she saw Professor Snape looming over her, a scowl on bis face.

"T-to visit my friends", Mioha stammered the truth.

Professor Snape arrogantly raised an eyebrow at her.
"And you have failed to notice that your attire will draw questions from your friends?", he sneered at her.

Something must have happened, Mioha thought, surprised by his behavior. He seems so angry.

"Are you alright, sir?", she blurted out her question.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now