Who am I?

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"Pay ATTENTION!", Professor Snape barked when Mioha failed to throw up a shield and the spell knocked her out of the air.
She landed on her back with a thump, the ground (thank Merlin) having a cushioning charm on it.
Mioha groaned and rubbed her neck as she stood up again. This was about the tenth time he had hit her with a spell, and they had only started fifteen minutes ago.

„Where is your head, Ms. Mioha?", Professor Snape sneered, „have you lost it during flying?"

Biting her lip in embarrassment and anger, Mioha shook her head.

„Then start concentrating", he hissed at her.

Mioha spread out her wings again and flew up, rolling around in the air as another curse shot past her.

They were in the Magnus Antrum, and she was supposed to practice her reflexes. The reason was that Mioha had barely flown the past five years, so her stamina and her coordination were in need of a lot of practice.
Every third day she had to do this with Professor Snape, and then the next day would be accompanied by sore muscles and purple bruises. Often, Mioha really hated these lessons since they started to take her love for flying away.

But she had to admit, after a month of training every single day, she was starting to get better.

Her dueling skills were getting better thanks to Professor McGonagall, and even though she still had a lot to work on in her sessions with Professor Snape, her stamina had already improved.

The only problem that seemed to last was Mioha's access to her full magic. She could feel there was a blockage inside her, she just didn't know what caused it.

„You are dismissed", Professor Snape said irritatedly.

Breathing out in relief, Mioha silently landed on the ground of the Magnus Antrum and walked out, folding her wings on her back.

She would definitely not fly before lunch, her wings already ached enough.

Mioha left the Labyrinth through an exit that let her out right before the black lake, and chose a spot that was a bit hidden behind willows.

Tomorrow she would have to duel against Professor McGonagall again, and she needed to practice controlling water before facing her.

The teenager sat down in the soft grass, her wings laying on the ground beside her.
The sunlight had a greenish color after hitting the leaves of the willows, which made Mioha feel like she was in a green cave. Before her the water of the lake sloshed around quietly, a fish popping out of the water every now and then.

Mioha felt herself calm down as she crossed her legs, and enjoyed the peaceful scenery. She could hear birds chirping in the trees nearby, singing: „Sunny day, sunny day, I have found my love, hurray!"

Mioha chuckled amused, they were really cute.

Then she shook her head to concentrate.
She hadn't come here to hear the birds sing.

Mioha closed her eyes and felt for her magic inside her, the familiar block around her core making it harder.
She stretched out her hand, trying to focus on her connection with nature.

She breathed out.

Breathed in.

And let het magic flow through her arm, out of her hand and to the water. She made a grabbing motion with her hand and formed a fist, as if she were holding onto air. Then she pulled her hand back.

She breathed out and opened her eyes.

Water had risen into the air like a pole that now curved into her direction.
Mioha kept pulling her hand back, the water following, until suddenly something hard slammed down on her magic.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now