The Chinese Fireball and the Wyvern

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Mioha was sitting on the thick roots of a huge oak tree whose branches were rustling softly in the wind. Letting her gaze travel across the clearing, she saw that the damage the dragoness had done to the trees was greater than she had realized.

She would have to come back and heal them when the dragons were gone, no doubt the dragon keepers would notice if the sliced trees would suddenly stand tall again.

Raising her glass to her lips, Mioha took another sip of the water, enjoying the sensation of the refreshing liquid running down her parched throat.

The other dragon-keepers had left, now only Hagrid, Professor McGonagall and Mr. Weasley were with her in the clearing,  standing close to the cage to watch the dozing Swedish Short-Snout.

"Five minutes!", Mr. Weasley called over and walked up near the spot that bore the red X, although patches of dirt and deep claw marks had let it lose its vibrant color.

Setting down the glass onto the root next to her, Mioha stood up and stretched her back, feeling the bones crack loudly.

It was 7:55 a.m.

The Slytherin joined Mr. Weasley at his side, the two Professors walking over as well.

Anxiety started to bubble up in Mioha as she stared at the X. Would the Chinese Fireball be more aggressive? Or less?

"Jess", Hagrid suddenly said, "watch out for the-"

Whatever he had wanted to say, it was lost under the loud roar that slap-bang resounded across the clearing.

The dragon that had appeared was covered in scarlet-red scales that gleamed in the sunlight. Its body was long and slim, the wings pressed to its body with thick, iron chains just like with the silvery-blue dragon. It had a fringe of golden spikes around its face, which explained why the dragon was also called the 'Liondragon'. There were golden spikes also running down its back, but the tail ended in a tuft of fur.

Silver chains were wrapped around the dragon's snout, gleaming red from the great body heat of the beast.

The ends of the chains were again held by a dozen witches and wizards, this time different people than before.

Mioha swallowed.
Here we go again, she thought.

In the end, the Chinese Fireball was much more tolerant than the Swedish Short-Snout, although Mioha quickly discovered what Hagrid had wanted to say.

The dragoness could also spew fire out of her nostrils, which looked like two fiery cannonballs flying through the air.

Luckily, the dragoness listened to Mioha much quicker than Caerinn had, which resulted in only Hagrid catching on fire.

He had jumped and thrown his burning coat off before stomping on it to extinguish the flames, the Swedish Short-Snout watching curiously as the half-giant swore loudly into his smoking beard.

Mioha got a death threat from the Chinese Fireball since the dragon mother was also worried about her eggs.

But finally, after half an hour and some light burns, Mioha had gotten the dragoness into her cage, feeling even more exhausted due to the emotion bridge draining her energy.

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