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"I'm really sorry, Harry, for running off the other day", Mioha apologized at breakfast, a day before the Quidditch match

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"I'm really sorry, Harry, for running off the other day", Mioha apologized at breakfast, a day before the Quidditch match.

"I was just so busy, but now I sorted it out."

Harry smiled forgivingly.
"It's alright."
He breathed in deeply.

"You are not nervous for the match, are you?", Mioha asked.

Harry snorted.
"Now, I just had to think of what Professor McGonagall told me. She said that Sirius Black was likely after me, but I already knew that. And I'm only allowed to practice Quidditch if Madam Hooch supervises it."

Mioha put a hand on his shoulder.
She hadn't had the chance yet to ask Professor Lupin about the class photo, since another full moon had occurred and he needed longer to recover from it than she did. So he had been absent for a while.

"Let's get to DADA", she suggested.
Hermione was not even there, when Mioha, Harry and Ron made their way into the classroom.

Harry stopped suddenly upon entering, and stared at Professor Snape.

"Where is Professor Lupin?", Harry demanded.

Mioha mentally slapped him. She couldn't tell him what was wrong with their Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, but Harry could have tried to ask nicely at least.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for being late", Professor Snape hissed, ignoring the fact that a Slytherin had been late as well.
"I will substitute for Professor Lupin today, as he as fallen ill."

His black eyes flickered over to Mioha for a moment.

"Is he alright?"
Harry kept standing in the doorway, not moving a muscle.

"Harry!", Mioha hissed at him.

"Another five points for not sitting down", Professor Snape barked.
"Class has started, Mr. Potter. Now take a seat before you lose fifty points."

With an angry face, Harry sat down next to Ron.

"Today, we will be learning about werewolves", Professor Snape said curtly and flicked his wand.

Instructions appeared on the board.

"But sir, we haven't got to the werewolves yet", Hermione said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere and nearly giving Mioha a heart attack.

When did she get here?, she wondered.

"Silence, Ms. Granger", Professor Snape snapped.
"Seeing as I am the Professor here, I know best what will be taught.
Who can tell me the difference between a werewolf and a wolf animagus?"

Hermione's hand shot up.

Professor Snape let his gaze travel across the classroom, ignoring Hermione completely.
"No one?", he said silkily, "well, that is such a disappointment. I wonder what Professor Lupin has actually thought you this year."

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