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Mioha's lessons with Firenze were...dull. 
All he made her do was sit there and meditate and try to 'go back in time to her past self'.

Couldn't Gandalf just tell her what was going on?
Why did she need to do this?

The old wizard seemed to be very busy. She barely caught sight of him anymore, only when she had messages from the birds he needed to know.

So far, Tellahorn hadn't had any luck.

But that made Mioha think.
Three Titans were around Hogwarts. Out of all the places in the world, they were in Scotland.


And could that mean the other three had to be near too?

As a dull March blurred into a squally April, her life seemed to have become one long series of worries and problems again. According to the Daily Prophet, she, or more specifically: the Silverwing, was momentarily in New Zealand.
The Australian Ministry had started all kind of frantic searches, accompanied by Aurors from France, Scotland and Merlin knows where else.

Meanwhile, as the teachers and Hermione persisted in reminding them, the OWLs were drawing ever nearer. All the fifth-years were suffering from stress to some degree, but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she burst into tears during Herbology and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now.

If it had not been for the Canisclan lessons, the private training and the moments with Orlai, Mioha thought she would have been extremely unhappy. Mioha sometimes wondered how Professor Umbridge was going to react when all the members of Canisclan received 'Outstanding' in their Defence Against the Dark Arts OWLs.

There were a few minor incidents that disrupted the monotonous school year. Someone had taken it upon himself to... improve Professor Umbridge's decrees. Wherever it said: Signed, Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor, the words High Inquisitor had been replaced with The Toad.
And next to it, a small wolf's paw had been drawn on the parchment.

Mioha didn't have to be a genius to figure out who it was.
What Canisclan members were prone to pranking and making fun of others?

Fred and George of course denied having done anything the first few times this happened. But after a while, they admitted it was just a little fun they were having. This made Professor Umbridge search the entire school frantically for more clues on what the wolf's paw could mean.

Mioha wasn't such a fan of that, seeing that all Canisclan members could get in trouble, but some actually started following in the twins' footsteps.

Little pranks were being pulled on Professor Umbridge, such as her chair at the High Table turning into jelly, the cats on her plates turning into real ones, a horrible smell of rotten eggs following her around... and every single time, Professor Umbridge would find a note with a wolf's paw on it.

One morning, the High Inquisitor had had enough.
Standing up at the High Table, she glared down furiously at the students. Her hands were shaking with anger and there were deep hollows in her cheeks. It looked like she hadn't slept properly in weeks.

"I demand", she said shrilly, "that whatever students are participating in this-"
She lifted a note with a black paw on it.
"-will come forward and receive their punishment. Anyone knowing about this and not informing me will be seen as an accomplice and therefore face the same consequences. All students responsible for the pranks..."
Her face contorted in fury.
"...will be expelled immediately."

Mioha held her breath as she glanced up at the High Table.
Professor Snape had warned her a few weeks ago that these pranks were not only stupid, but only dangerous seeing that people actually left Professor Umbridge a clue that told her there was an organization with a wolf paw as a symbol. But Mioha had told him she was not participating directly in the pranks. Neither were Harry, Ron, Hermione or Ginny.

Hidden Wings - Part IOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz