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Harry and Ron burst into the Hospital Wing, Hermione following them at a slower pace.

Mioha already felt much better, but she had to stay in the Hospital Wing until the next morning.

"We tried to visit you, but Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let us", Harry apologized.

Mioha smiled.

"It's fine. I kind of like the quiet."

She held up her book, it was the one she had gotten from Hermione for Christmas.
"Thanks Hermione, this book is awesome."

Hermione grinned.
"I knew you'd like it."

"So, how exactly did this happen?", Ron asked and gestured to Mioha's bed.

She sighed, deciding to tell them a simple version of the story.
"I fell asleep on the Astronomy tower", she admitted sheepishly and set her book aside.

Harry didn't look like he believed her.
"How can you fall asleep up there? It's freezing!", he exclaimed and shook his head confused.

"Welcome to my world, Harry Potter", Mioha said dramatically.
Ron snorted.

"I knew you were crazy, but this tops it. Definitely."

Hermione shot her a disapproving look.
"That was dangerous, Jess", she frowned.

"Madam Pomfrey said your fever was really high. You could have died up there."

Mioha nodded defeatedly, at the same time feeling touched by her friends' concern.

"Luckily, Esma got Professor Snape", Mioha told them.
Harry stiffened.

"Snape brought you here?", Harry wrinkled his nose up. "But-"

"Professor Snape", both Hermione and Mioha interrupted him.

The Slytherin added: "How else do you think I got here?"

Ron looked pale.
"I thought you came here on your own", he said weakly.

Mioha shook her head at the boys' reaction.
"What does it matter? He helped me get here and I am grateful for that. On my own, it's more likely I probably would have fallen off the Astronomy tower than manage all the way to the Hospital Wing."

Hermione quickly changed the subject.
"Have you started reviewing already, Jess?"

Mioha laughed heartily as Ron smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

Term started soon.
Mioha had tried to thank Professor Snape, but his response was his usual sneer.

He must think her mental for "falling asleep" up there.

She didn't bother to try to explain that to him, Madam Pomfrey's disbelief had been enough.

When her first patronus lesson with Professor Lupin approached, Mioha felt like he would believe her if she told him about Peter Pettigrew.

The only problem?

Crookshanks had eaten him.

Poor Hermione had been crying her eyes out and now threw herself into her homework, burying herself with books from dawn until dusk.

Ron was upset, Mioha understood that, but she felt relieved that the rat was gone.

Obviously, she hadn't wanted him to die this way, but now she could tell Mr. Black that his enemy was dead.

And this was a bit difficult, since Crookshanks had disappeared.
Probably off to hide from Ron's wrath.

So, Mioha did not know what to do. The rat was gone, now all that was left, was to tell the others that Mr. Black was innocent.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now