890 28 3

B R E A K I N G  R U L E S

The outfit he is wearing is really similar to the one he was wearing in the cast :)

J U N E  1 9 9 8

B A C K T O K E L ' S P O V

I tip toe up the steps, careful not to wake up any of his sisters, let alone wake up Tayana. Gerald is still down stairs finishing his last tin of muffins. He was probably one of the nicest men I've ever met, just the sweetest guy. Not in a creepy way though.

I take the directions Royce stayed, down the dark hallway, all the way back, to the left, and the second room on the right. The door was a shade of gray, stickers all over the upper left corner, some ripped off to reveal just the leftover sheet of white paper under it. Other stickers were peeling, but most of them were stuck onto the door well enough.

Some were skateboards, others were clothing brands, or just random colorful stickers. The handle is painted with acrylic paint to be purple, and it was cute that he did that.

He really did love the color purple didn't he?

What a cutie...

I walk in quietly and the room is slightly lit up from the light downstairs, even though the hall way was dark and empty. The streaks of yellowish orange light was enough the see the posters and stickers covering his walls, his roof slanted to show he was the tallest point of the house. It did make sense since the turn left to see the two rooms on the right was up a few stairs.

The walls of his room were a mix, alternating between a light gray and a navy.
He had a window in the middle of his room, and a door connecting to the other room down this small hallway.

He was laying down in his bed, which seemed to be a full size with purple plaid sheets. It was cold in his room, which made sense as well because he's always weirdly the temperature he shouldn't be. It's hot out? He's cold. It's cold out? He's warm.

He was sleeping on his side, his face effortlessly attractive as he slept. His mouth hung open a little, and his arm held up his head.

He was so hot.

fuck me...

I walk in, closing the door and getting used to the darkness; just getting used to it enough so that I could see.

I tip toe over to the brown leather couch on the right next to a mirror, and slowly lay down. It was freezing, and the cold leather didn't help. I look around, but there was no blankets to be seen.... except for the plaid ones that the blonde boy was under.

They barely covered his bottom half, so you could see his abs, clear that he's shirtless.

How was he warm with this temperature? It was freeing in here and I still felt the ac roaring in the corner, a fan pointed directly towards me.


This guy must have mad tan lines... he's always shirtless but he has to wear pants. Right?


I stare at him for a second, and as if I'm on cue, he lets out a small breath. "I have two shirts in the closet if you wanna wear one to sleep.."

I nod, opening the closet quietly and grabbing the nearest shirt, even though I can't see it. I pull off my pants, thankful the dark can only show shadows and not precise images.

I pull off my shirt, and pull his shirt over it.

I have to sleep in my bra....

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