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T H E  U N F O R T U N A T E  N O T E

J U L Y 1 9 9 8

"Come on Seb, you know I don't like you." I say, ripping his hands off of my hips.

At this point the other guys have walked off, but only to set up a game of cup pong for Royce.

Royce walks over stiffly to my side, towering over the both of us with good posture. His jaw was clenched and his nostrils were flared. His fists were clenched and his lip twitched in anger.

"You can't have Bev. You can't have Kelca. You can't steal them from me cause you want payback you asshole. Now leave. She's had a rough day."

Seb growls, and Royce moves so he's in front of me, blocking me from a slightly angry Sebastian.

"You gotta give me something, you took everything from me." Seb mumbles.

I look up through my eyelashes at Royce, his blonde hair fluffy. Slowly, I run my hand down his arm, my hand going onto his.

I run my thumb along the skin of his hand, looking at it as he slowly unclenches his fists. I slowly intertwine my fingers with his, and grab onto his arm.

I look up at him and he slowly unclenches his jaw, biting his lip and looking back up at Seb. "I never took anything from you, I got out of the trap you stayed in. Y'know what you did though? Slept with my girlfriend. Leave me alone." He growls, and moves so that his back is turned to Seb's.

And he picks me up, his hands going onto my bare thighs and wrapping them around his torso. I put my head on his shoulder, and try to avoid Seb's stare but it digs into my eyes like a burning stone.

I swallow, and Royce sets me down when we get to the new cup pong table, which is really just the dining tables that the restaurant on the beach side let's them use.

"What just happened y'all?" Koa asks and Royce sets me down, biting his lip, "Y'know, just the usual: Seb being an alcoholic."

"Ugh, I'm sorry baby.." she says quietly, moving her hand up and down his body. He smiles a little, biting his lip, "you wanna play with me... baby?" He asks.

I swallow.

He asked that to... Koa.

And he called her baby.

He... I thought he only called me that.. only called me that last night.

"Well of course Roy Roy."

I swallow. And slowly I was pushed out of the way by a migrating Koa who took my spot next to Royce.

I back up, sitting on the bench a little ways away, then bench I met Royce at.

He's being weird... I can't tell if he's flirting with me or Koa.. or both?

He throws a ball and lands it directly in the cup, people cheering him on as he hugs Koa. I lift my legs up to my chest and sigh, watching him.

Watching his hair flip back and forth while he moved from looking at Koa to looking at the board, not once looking at me. 

I hear footsteps coming over here, and somebody familiar sits next to me on the bench, the scent of money spilling off of him.

"Jack..." I great lightly, turning my look back to Royce as I rest my head on my knees.

"You really like him don't you.."

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