No Girl At All

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" yo Peter ! " " yo Peter ! " " Peter what's up ! "

God it's only been a week and I keep hearing my name everywhere .

I don't even know their names...all I can do is just wave and yell out " yo !" And " yah ! " like I know them .

Anyway...I've made a lot of friends and not a single a girl . Just boys . Am so proud of myself .

I walked under the trees with my back pack . Holding my bag straps , I pulled , trying to make it feel comfortable .

I asked my mom for a new back pack ( school bag ) and I get my dad's travelling bag !...Why don't you put a whole house on my back then !

The darn thing is so heavy .

" dude...looks like everybody knows you " Mark said smiling . I forgot he was walking with me .

I nodded ...not wanting to say anything . " I see the girls really like you " he smirked .

What!? Seriously ? Why ? This guy

" what are you talking about ? That's not true " I tried not to smile so he'd stop saying that .

Everybody keeps saying that but I don't see it . It's not like I even want that to I don't care .

I shook my head in disagreement and kept walking . That kind of stuff...I do not like . It's dangerous . Love at this age is full of shit

And I  want absolutely nothing to do with it especially girls. I want nothing to do with them . Too dangerous . They're like magnets . They'll attract your heart then when you're stay together in happiness.

When you're not lucky...your heart breaks . I'm not taking that risk ... Not anymore.

And Mark here thinks he's gonna get me a girl . He keeps talking about it .

No never !

" So...which girl do you like ? " 

Which girl do I like ? Is that what he's asking me ?

Are you serious ?

My mouth dropped open and I stared at him like I was shocked to hear him ask that kinda question .

But actually , I'm not shocked...I knew he'd ask something like that .

" No , man...I don't like any girl , okay ? " " how many girlfriends do you have ? he kept asking , completely ignoring whatever I say .

No matter how many times I say no ...he's still asking .

My face felt numb not knowing what to do to shut him up .

This guy...he just can't stop asking me .

Look at him...I wish he crashes into that tree .

" how many girlfriends do you have ?"

Huh ! How many g... Seriously ?
I don't believe this guy .

I don't even have a! And he's saying girlfriends ?!!

My God ! He didn't even say girlfriend but girlfriends ! Ah !

Trying to stop myself from saying anything too personal , calmed myself
Not saying anything .

" oh come on  Peter . I know you have a girlfriend...tell me...who ? " wrapping his arm around my neck . " You're very funny " I scoffed .

" Look , Mark...I don't have a girlfriend " I shrugged . " Yes you have " He insisted with a friendly frown .

" I'm serious , I don't . In fact , I've not spoken to any girl since I got here . No girl at all " 

Maybe I shouldn't have told him that . It's something I should be keeping to myself .

Now that I've told him...he might demand an explanation and I'm not ready to share my feelings with anyone yet .

Especially him . Definitely not him .

Awkward's not saying anything but just staring.

He looked at me like I just told him the biggest lie in the world .

Mark finally shut his mouth . " Haha...what? You don't believe me ? " I smiled .

It sounds strange and maybe impossible but yeah...It's true . I haven't spoken to any girl since I entered school .

No girl at all.....

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