SRC week(Part 2)forever waiting

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Say something , Peter . Say something .

My inside voice was going wild . Looks like even my own conscience was fed up with me and my unwillingness to talk to Elly .

I wish I could talk to her but I'm just so helpless around her and it sucks .

" Peter " I heard her little sweet voice call my name . " Please wait for me . I'll be back , okay ? " she said as she grabbed her little bag pack . I nodded and watched her walk away with her friend .
I continued to stare as she disappeared in the trees . " How could one be so beautiful ? " I thought .

But why did she want me to wait ? maybe she wants us to be alone . That's why she had to take her friend away so she'd come back and be alone with me .Perfect ! It's the perfect chance to tell her . Especially when every student is on the school field busy with the games going on . Perfect ! just perfect . I think this declaration of love is gonna happen a lot faster than i expected .

"Right . Good luck with that" I heard my conscience say sarcastically .

I found myself imagining what would happen after she comes .

I buried my face in my laps for a while , almost drifting into sleep . " Peter " . A tap on my shoulder . I lifted my head to see Kenneth and Tony hovering over me . " Yah ". " why are you sitting here all alone ? " Ken asked concerned .
" uum..."
For a second there...I was lost . I couldn't remember why I was sitting there In the first place . " Peter? what's wrong ? why are you here ? " " did someone break your heart ? " Tony joked and then I remembered why...
Elly .
She was the one i was waiting for .

There's no way I'm telling these guys I'm waiting for Elly . Nope . Not a chance .

" I'm waiting for...I'm writing something " I lied . Well...kinda lied . I was writing something after all. My book in which I've been writing my novel for months slept in my arms . " oh..kaaay..but won't you at least go and check out the games going on ? It's really fun . Did you see how fast Bee_Dee ran ? " " yeah I was there " I laughed .
"It was funny how he took the lead in the first lap and lost all the other laps..haha"
Ken and Tony laughed along " the first shall be the last " I joked .

" Okay we're going back then " " Okay " I nodded and watched them also disappear in the trees .

I could hear the loud cheers and jubilation coming from the school's field . I looked at my watch again. " 2pm!? "

Where is she ? did she forget about me ? what's keeping her so long ?

'Boy just go ! Forget about her . She don't care nothing about you man ' my inside voice advised .

" Maybe if I wait long enough , she'll remember me and come running back . I'll wait even if it takes her till night fall to remember . Maybe then she'll realize how much I love her " I thought .

' What ? No ! You crazy man ! That's the most ridiculous thing you've ever thought of since you met this girl ! Nigga don't be a dummy .well I'm doing it anyway" I said to myself .

I positioned myself well on the bench and made myself comfortable under the tree . I shut my eyes again and thought of how life would be if I actually got to call Elly my girlfriend but all that got interrupted when a book hit the ground and woke me up . It was a black medium sized Diary . It was Elly's diary . She gave it to me before leaving .

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