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I'm home now and I'm gonna be home for three months ! That's so awesome . Christmas is just a few days away and my cousin Emmanuel's visiting us soon . Haven't seen him in a while...actually , I haven't seen any of my family members in a long time besides my mom , dad and my annoying little sister Kate .

Kate . She's a real pain in the...Everywhere ! . It's gonna take more than insulting me or my family or bullying me to get me angry . It's almost like I got no anger at all but my sister... my annoying Sister... That little Rascal's makes me madder than a run away bull .

I once wished for a little sister when I was five...but I wish I had known the saying " be careful what you wish for " and yet ,here I am__stuck with a little devil but it's done and she's still my sister . I wouldn't ever wish for her to not be there__can't even imagine it for a second .

I grabbed my phone from under my mom's pillow and rushed into my room , threw my body on my bed and searched Elly's phone number .

yes . I have Elly's number . She gave it to me on the last day .

*Hi* I texted and waited ....
What am I doing?

I sighed , deleted the text before she even got to see it and dropped my phone on my pillow .

Hours passed and I did nothing but lay in bed all day with my mind so blank yet still had Elly's face stuck in my head . It's almost like she means a whole awful lot to me and I don't know yet...or I don't wanna know .

I don't know why I get the feeling that I want to see her . I want to see her so badly and I don't know why .

Damn ! what's happening to me ? This is not me .

I buried my face in my pillow and groaned all my thoughts away . The house was so quiet I could hear my own breathing echo .

I lazily pulled myself off my bed and walked into the hall to watch TV .

" Where's the remote ? " I asked loudly as if I wasn't the only one left in the house .
I rolled my eyes when I found it sitting on the black chair at the other side of the hall . I quickly grabbed it and pressed the power button .

" Previously on Lucifer " The TV started then went of before my favorite TV series began . Everything went off .
Must've been some sort of electricity outage . I sighed and got back to my room .

At least I got my phone . 10% battery !
" Oh come on !!! My luck can't be that bad !? " No TV , no electricity , no friends and my battery is low...Damn...It's not my day .

I lied flat on my face in my bed and hoped for this boring day to pass by .

I know I know... This chapter is crap. I agree . It's been a while . Just had to publish something 😁..Anyway , it will get better . Watch out for next chapter😜 and thanks for reading😘😘

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