A slight blessing in disguise

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I glared intensely at the text I got on my phone . A message from the government to all Senior High Schools .

" WHAT ??? You cannot be serious ! "
I scratched my head furiously and stared at the date like it was the day I'm supposed to die or something like that .

" January 1st ?..Why? why January ? That's insane ! we're supposed to be back in school on the 20th of February " I yelled at the government and most specifically , The President who probably has no idea there's a 16 years old boy extremely mad at his big bald head !

Ai... I can't Imagine what would happen if he actually found out what I said about him . Maybe his black suited body guards( Agents ) would swoop in with their dark shades and mean looking faces and grab me by my arm and say " Gentleman , you are under arrest for insulting the President . Time for you to face the law " and then they'll sentence me to 30years in prison .

Of course that will be totally ridiculous . Who's gonna put a teenager in prison for that long ? ...I'm still angry !

The President can't do this to us...he can't do this to me ! I stay in school for four months then only get a month's rest at home instead of three? That's not fair !

" Mom ! " I frowned and walked to the kitchen with my hands folded . " What ? " Mom smiled . " It's true . The rumours about going to school early is true . We're going back to school in a week "
" Then go " She chuckled and sliced the onion into four halves . " Oh " I laughed in fear of going back to school so soon .

I guess it's back to school then . I took one last look at the message on my phone and found something I hadn't realized before .

" Oh Shit ! " I shut my eyes hard to stop myself from doing something stupid . Something I'd regret later_Like smashing my phone into the TV because I'm so angry .

Boarding students are to report to school on the 31st of December , 2019 . Reporting on the day after will attract punishment .

That sentence just ruined my Christmas . Now I got less than seven  days to go to school . " That's just wonderful " I said sarcastically .
" Thanks a lot Mr President ! I'm going to school and you're enjoying Christmas ... Thank you very much " I rolled my eyes still angry.

" I'm gonna slap that bald  head of his one day ! oh I'm gonna slap it so freaking hard his hair is gonna grow right back up ! " pacing back and forth stamping my foot childishly .

I'm not even going to get to watch the crossover episodes on the Flash . What a bummer .

I rested my head in my palms with my elbows chocked on my knees and played back all the unlucky things that's been happening to me and the worst that could happen .

School used to be fun in kindergarten but now it's just absolute torture . Like some sort of mini hell  for teens . Nothing can make me forget the unjust treatment I've gotten now...nothing at all .


"Elly" Her name just came out of nowhere . A whisper in my ear . " I completely forgot about her " I shouted joyfully . Well , I didn't literally shout but_you know what I mean .

A big part of me wanted to see Elly and wanted to go to school just because of her .
I don't even know myself anymore . Do I like her ? no i don't  . But I really want to see her and now the date has been changed .

I'm gonna be seeing her in less than a week . The change of date might not be as bad I thought . It's actually what I need .

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